Don't Drink the Kool-aid

Greetings in the Lord!

Very early in the morning of Halloween I had a dream that made me think maybe I was just upset about it being Halloween, as I never liked that "holiday." Anyway, in my dream I watched a golden snake eat big chunks of sweet bread that were being torn off and fed to it. The bread was so sloppy with sugary frosting and the chunks so big I watched in amazment that this golden snake would even eat such stuff. Then, when I looked again, the golden snake was eating a very expensive and decorative tie! It actually was loving eating this really nice tie, even though I saw the snake expand beyond what looked possible. Surely the snake would die from eating the huge chunks of sweet, gooey bread and expensive clothes. When it was done it curled up in a ball and didn't move at all, like it was truly sick and might die.

Perplexed after a dream like that, I got up and prayed for understanding. The Lord had me turn to Acts 12:19-25, the story about King Herod addressing the people in all his pomp and circumstance wearing his royal robe, which the historian Josephus says was a dazzling silver robe. As Herod sat on his throne speaking to the people they shouted, "This is the voice of a god, not of a man." Scripture says, that "immediately, because he did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died." (Acts 12:23). There again, the historian Josephus wrote that King Herod was seized with intestinal pains and died of worms five days later.

I thought about my dream: the golden snake was obviously represented Herod and the sweet, gooey bread was the flattery of the people as they called him a 'god.' The golden snake ate it up, just as Herod did. And it seems that the expensive tie the golden snake ate was representative of the dazzling silver royal robes Herod liked to wear--he must have had an 'appetite' for dressing to impress!

Anyway, I understood the dream's meaning, but was unclear as to who it was referring to. All morning long I pondered it while I worked. Then finally, I came across a newsletter that talked about Louis Farrakhan referring to Obama as the "Messiah."

Yes, friends, Obama is a false prophet sent to lead people astray. He is not the Messiah, or any messiah, or any figment of a real prophet of God. He is a deceptive figure, to be sure. I recall two years ago in February the Lord gave me a vision of a beast coming out of the sea--the anti-christ beast, and it had human hands. I understood at the time I wrote in on this blog that the anti-christ had human agents on earth. It is no coincidence that Obama officially began his quest for the United States presidency at that exact time of the vision.

Please choose wisely this election and pray for godly leadership. Just as Hitler came to power with the consent of the German people--after he had intoxicated them with his powerful speeches and smooth promises, so it is clear to see a similar effect happening right now in the United States.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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