Storm Hitting the Wicked in Their Lofty Places
Greetings in the Lord~
With each passing day of this unusual and turbulent time in US history, I am drawn back to the significance and depth of two prophetic words the Lord gave me, one on September 14th and the other on November 2nd (2020). The first was a vision I had while I was in prayer that September morning. I recalled Jesus coming to me -- He was very intense and incensed about something, which scared me a little, and He wanted me to follow Him to see why. You can go back to read the whole vision for yourself, but basically Jesus wanted me to witness a room full of evil men, major decision-makers in their industry, political position, etc. that were plotting wicked schemes. At the time, I felt it was mostly directed at a political person -- Trump, but posted that in general, these men sought to devour anyone that stood in their way or had something of value that they coveted in their evil hearts. At their core, these men were greedy, cruel, and proficient liars, yet cowardly. They thrived on deception, lived in the shadows and used all the technology, resources, evil-networking and anything else to gather info and plot against those they wanted to devour. Little did I know at the time just how relevant this vision was for the US elections, and more! While many were prophesying a sure Trump victory (and I do believe God's heart was for him), the Lord gave me different prophetic words about how the US elections would stir up a storm of controversy in our country and be the catalyst for His judgments being meted out against evil upsurpers and their supporters and underlings.
It was along those lines that I got the word on November 2nd from Amos 3 with the overall message that continues to resonate to this very day: "they have forgotten how to do right." Though the Lord had given them the best and cared for them causing them to prosper as a nation, the leaders of the land have cultivated a system and mentality of lying, stealing and oppressing people to become wealthy and powerful and do not believe in God anymore (many even worship demons).
Again, you can go back and read that prophetic word for yourself for all of the explanation, but in a nutshell, like Psalm 53 says: "They eat up My people like bread and wouldn't think of praying to God." But that psalm also goes on to say: "Terror will grip them like they have never known before. God will scatter the bones of our enemies. You will put them to shame, for God has rejected them." This final victorious outcome from the Lord is the reason why so many prophets said that God will overturn unjust decisions and bring exposure and correction to the wicked after the US election. And so we wait, while a contrived impeachment hearing goes on. Is there no end to their wickedness?
So today, the Lord continues to speak from Amos 3 about His storm to deal with the wicked leaders / upsurpers, and adds Isaiah 19 to it. In this chapter, we read about the Lord bringing specific troubles upon those prominent decision-makers, namely, that they will be filled with internal fighting and division and overwhelmed with foolishness and bad counsel as they seek to lead according to their evil agendas. Also, the foreign alliances they are counting on will be a major source of trouble for them, and all their plans will be riddled with stupidity and provide no remedies to the drought, lack of production and job losses caused by an onslaught of negative natural circumstances the Lord allows to occur. This chapter even talks about the cites they control fighting with other cities, and neighbor against neighbor to the extent that all of the wicked will resort to consulting mediums and occultists for useless advice from their overwhelming distress. Then, finally at their wits end, there will be some to cry out to the Lord, even learning Hebrew! -- to join the righteous of the land who are already crying out to Him -- and the Lord will hear and bring healing to the nation. The people will erect an altar to God and it will be a sign that God is really worshiped in the land. Then, Father God will raise up a righteous ruler in the future to help in this true and real healing process.
Verses 20b-22 tell us: When the people cry out to the Lord for help against those who oppress them, He will send the a savior who will rescue them. The Lord will make Himself known to the Egyptians. Yes, they will know the Lord and will give their sacrifices and offerings to Him. They will make a vow to the Lord and keep it.. The Lord will strike Egypt, and then He will bring healing. For the Egyptians will turn to the Lord, and He will listen to their pleas and heal them. (In this instance, "Egypt" are those people who do not worship or know the Lord and may very well worship a false god instead.)
So today, we watch and continue to pray that the Lord's will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Nothing happens on earth He doesn't know about, and since God is faithful to His promises, He will do all that He has purposed to do to avenge us of the great injustices that were done and continue to be done on this land. He will accomplish these things according to His perfect way.
~Be blessed and be a blessing.