Blessings for Obedience to God

 Greetings in the Lord~

Today's word comes from 2 Samuel 3:1:

That was the beginning of a long war between those who were loyal to Saul and those loyal to David.  As time passed, David became stronger and stronger, while Saul's dynasty became weaker and weaker.

While it talks about the war between the house of Saul and the house of David lasting a long time, the interesting thing is, both Saul and his son Jonathan had already died in battle.  So, at this point the war was really between David and his loyal followers in Judah, and Ishbosheth, Saul's younger son who became king over Israel.  And, is often the case with many people who try to follow in big shoes, they are viewed as weaker/lessor than their predecessor.  Such was most likely the case with Ishbosheth, as he felt the need to rebuke his lead commander, Abner, for sleeping with one of his father's concubines (which would indicate Abner had been vying for power or undermining him).  Well, this unsubstantiated accusation threw Abner into a fit, and he broke ties with Ishbosheth and determined to bring the kingdom of Israel under David's rule.  

This major shake up at the top leadership ultimately had a domino effect on both sides.  While Abner left to go side with David, David's top commander, Joab, became upset that this rival would dare to join their ranks and he determined to take vengeance against him, justifying it because Abner had killed his brother in battle.  Now, I seriously doubt their conflict had much to do with this murder as it did with Joab trying to protect his own position with David.  It seems like a selfish power struggle to me.  At any rate, Joab killed Abner after he had brought Israel's elders to David to make him king over Israel.  So David had to denounce Joab's murderous action to all of Israel so he would not be blamed for what Joab did.  Whew!  Such a turbulent time of betrayal, selfish pursuits, and foolish animosity -- and that wasn't even the end of it!

No, Scripture goes on to tell us that at the news of Abner's death, Ishbosheth and all of Israel became paralyzed with fear.  They realized that Ishbosheth was no match for David and his followers, and a plot was hatched from within his own people to get rid of Ishbosheth.  Two brothers, from the tribe of Benjamin, crept into Ishbosheth's house while he was sleeping and cut off his head!  Then David was made king over Israel officially and he moved the Ark of the Covenant to the new seat of power in Jerusalem.  

I've written before that in many ways the political time period we are at in the United States now is similar to this time period in Israel's history.  Currently, we are seeing an "Ishbosheth" at the helm (with limited time), and the "war" between the two sides ongoing.  We will continue to see a falling away and crumbling of power within the Democrat party and major players to switch sides and/or vie for power, causing more power struggles to happen within the ranks.  This is the time when true heart motives are exposed, corrupt activities held accounted for, and a weeding out of those who have tried to stay on the fence to appease both sides, thereby being found useless to both sides and everybody else.  And what triggered the conflict between these two competing kingdoms?  Jealousy!

Saul had been jealous of David because David was blessed by God.  Why was he blessed?  David loved the Lord and wanted to do things according to God's will, thereby, the Lord was pleased to bless him in all of his endeavors.  Saul, on the other hand, did not want to obey the Lord.  He wanted to be cool and rich and powerful like the kings of the nations surrounding Israel and found that he had no inner strength, wisdom, favor, or blessing from the Lord as a result.  Therefore Saul resented David and was jealous of his blessings and prosperity.  That is the crux of the divide in the United States.  Those that love the world versus those who value the word of the Lord above worldliness and all of its conventions and ideas and values.  People would do well to learn from Saul, as his love of the world and disobedience to God caused him to be rejected as king by God.  But truth be told, we all need to repent of the ways in which we are like Saul!  There are many praying to the Lord to move in this nation for righteousness, to restore order and truth and justice, but what would God see if He were to come and hold His plumb line?  How would we line up with His 'true north'?

The book of Malachi talks about a time when a messenger will prepare the way before the Lord comes into His Temple.  The Israelites were eagerly waiting for the day of the Lord, but Malachi asks them if they will really be able to stand in that day.  

For He will be a blazing fire that refines metal, or like a strong soap that bleaches clothes.  He will sit like a refiner of silver, burning away the dross.  He will purify the Levites, refining them like gold and silver, so that they may once again offer acceptable sacrifices to the Lord..."At that time I will put you on trial.  I am eager to witness against all the sorcerers and adulterers and liars.  I will speak against those who cheat employees of their wages, who oppress widows and orphans, or who deprive the foreigners living among you of justice, for these people do not fear Me," says the Lord of Heaven's Armies. Malachi 3:2-5 

Similarly, this is our 'day of the Lord' time for the United States.  Repentance is in order for everyone if we really want to see our country returned to its former glory.  In the meantime, the refining process will do its work of eliminating the dross from us.  It is critical to not be like Saul in this time -- unrepentant, rebellious, and disobedient, as we are going to watch the crumbling of "Saul's kingdom" before our eyes, and the sifting, uprooting, and refining of our leadership -- those that will remain in leadership, that is.  But this refining process will happen from the top to the bottom in our society.  And as they say about the churning process, the cream will rise to the top.  So, as we go through this turbulent time in our history, let us fall on our knees and submit to the Lord's refining process.  Repentance and reverence for the Lord is the way to blessings, favor, and restoration.  

"They will be My people," says the Lord of Heaven's Armies.  "On the day when I act in judgment, they will be My own special treasure.  I will spare them as a father spares an obedient child.  Then you will again see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not."  Malachi 3:17-18.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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