Unshakable Lord, Have Your Way
Greetings in the Lord~ Today in prayer the Lord put on my heart that it would be a little while before I get a word for 2021, but He did show me a vision of a large scale. So it appears that things are hanging in a balance, and we know politically speaking for the U.S., things are hanging in a balance (even though Biden supporters have jumped the gun to declare him president). Nothing official is slated to happen until January 6th, when electoral votes are to be counted by Vice President Pence, and realistically, it may not even be decided that day because we know already there will be objections to the current electoral votes from contested states because of rampant fraud in their elections. As a result of planned objections, alternate electoral votes have already been submitted, which means that Congress will have to break separately for 2 hours to discuss their objections and decide on which set of electoral votes will be counted. Constitutionally, if there is...