
Showing posts from December, 2020

Unshakable Lord, Have Your Way

Greetings in the Lord~ Today in prayer the Lord put on my heart that it would be a little while before I get a word for 2021, but He did show me a vision of a large scale.  So it appears that things are hanging in a balance, and we know politically speaking for the U.S., things are hanging in a balance (even though Biden supporters have jumped the gun to declare him president).  Nothing official is slated to happen until January 6th, when electoral votes are to be counted by Vice President Pence, and realistically, it may not even be decided that day because we know already there will be objections to the current electoral votes from contested states because of rampant fraud in their elections.  As a result of planned objections, alternate electoral votes have already been submitted, which means that Congress will have to break separately for 2 hours to discuss their objections and decide on which set of electoral votes will be counted.  Constitutionally, if there is...

A Tsunami of Truth and Justice

  Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Psalm 31, and there are a couple of visions I will share as well. First, Psalm 31 is one that I don't get very often, probably because most of us don't find ourselves in this type of situation very often, if at all.  It is one in which the psalmist is crying out in deep distress and anguish to the Lord, even feeling like he is wasting away physically and emotionally all because of a great unjust conspiracy against him, a conspiracy so powerful and pervasive that everyone is running away from him, so it seems to the psalmist.  It is a lament of helplessness and abandonment that arises from the extreme wickedness of his foes, and distancing of those who were allies but now have retreated in self-preservation mode.  So while in immense distress, the psalmist resigns himself, even his very fate, to God alone and puts all his trust in the Lord to save him.  Complete surrender, like fasting and repentance, is a sure way...

The King of Babylon Has Fallen

Greetings in the Lord~ Normally there is some time between my posting of prophetic words, but lately I feel prompted to share more frequently what I'm getting.  So without further adieu, today's word is from 2 Samuel 2 and Isaiah 14. 2 Samuel 2 is interesting because it tells of the time in Israel's history of its civil war -- Saul (i.e. Obama) had been anointed king but because of his love of the world and self (i.e. disobedience to God, obedience to worldly desires), God rejected him as king and had David (i.e. Trump) anointed in secret to replace him -- because he had a heart after God.  But by the second chapter of 2 Samuel, Saul and his eldest son Jonathan had died in battle and his next son Ishbosheth, had taken over the kingdom.  However, this new head of state was not really calling the shots, and he did not have the same blessing of the Lord that David had, nor even the prominence of Saul from back in the day.  No, Ishbosheth was merely a weaker continuation...

Sword Forged From Refiner's Fire

Greetings in the Lord~ For the past couple of weeks, I've been able to watch and follow along with state Senate hearings and election oversight committees as they listen to witnesses give testimony about the various forms of election fraud they witnessed on Nov. 3rd and afterwards.  It's been quite interesting, to say the least, and even though it seems like not much is taking hold, nothing could be further from the truth in the spirit realm.  For starters, formal hearings and court hearings are important for they are heard also in heaven.  I've said this before and I'll say it again, that people should realize this before they get in there, as the Bible has much to say about corrupt judges, honest vs. lying testifiers, those receiving bribes and the like.  But maybe that is why these hearings are so necessary now, because we've reached a point where people think it is OK to lie, cheat and steal if you hate someone or are pursuing a cause.  In fact, this whole f...

Confession is Good for the Soul

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Jeremiah 11, which carries a pretty powerful and poignant punch to the gut of those who love and know the Lord, for it is a message of, "This is the last straw."   Jeremiah was told to preach to the people of Israel and Judah: "Remind the people of Judah and Jerusalem about the terms of My covenant with them.  Say to them, 'This is what the Lord, the God of Israel says: Cursed is anyone who does not obey the terms of My covenant!  For I said to your ancestors when I brought them out of the iron-smelting furnace of Egypt, "If you obey Me and do whatever I command you, then you will be My people, and I will be your God."  I said this so I could keep My promise to your ancestors to give you a land flowing with milk and honey---the land you live in today."  Jeremiah 11:2- 5 However, the majority of the people of Israel and Judah at that time were not faithful to God, for they worshiped Baal and other false...