
Showing posts from July, 2020

Bitter Grapes Dealt With

Greetings in the Lord~ Recently, I was asked a great question, "What is the purpose of the next 5 months?"  It was asked in light of this person hearing prophetic words from several prophetic speakers that mentioned about a lot of upheaval, violence, food shortage, and the like during the next five months.  At first I wasn't sure what to say but the Lord gave the answer, "Isaiah 5." This chapter begins with an allegory of Israel being like a special vineyard the Lord had planted.  He cleared away all the stones, planted the best vines, and set up a watchtower and press for the wonderfully sweet harvest He was expecting.  However, at the harvest only bitter grapes had been produced--how disappointed He was!  "He expected a crop of justice, but instead He found oppression.  He expected to find righteousness, but instead He heard cries of violence." Isaiah 5:7b. What had made the grapes "bitter"?  Well, in the chapter we find six things....

Strange Fire Dealt With

Greetings in the Lord~ Even though I call this blog "Daily Prophetic Words," I rarely write on a daily basis.  The "daily" is more of a theme or context, in that, I tend to prophesy about daily life, culture, newsmakers, governments and current events--the "people's prophet," I guess.  Also, I simply don't feel I get prophetic words to share corporately every day.  Instead, I prefer to pray about the words I get and allow a period of time for the Holy Spirit to speak more deeply about what He is telling me, since the prophetic words are for "the heralds to run with it" and will make news headlines after a period of time (not usually within days, but months or years typically). Anyway, all week the Lord has been speaking to me from the book of Numbers, chapters 3 and 17 mostly, and also from John 6 and Psalm 44.  In a nutshell, it's talking about rebellious people wanting to 1) take (spiritual) matters into their own hands instead...

Healing Rain Put Out the Fire

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Nehemiah 3 and it talks about all of the people who happily, eagerly, and with much zealousness joined with the people of Jerusalem to rebuild the city's walls--amen!  This is a now word, it is happening!, in the United States, the UK, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, and elsewhere!  Not only did a clarion call go out to Christian ministries around the world to pray for the U.S. elections in November and for the safety of its borders, but God has stirred up the hearts of Christians all over the world to see the broken walls of their own countries and to prayerfully rebuild them.  Praise God!  It is awesome to see and know so many Christians who are discerning the urgency of this hour, for this was no beautification project--Nehemiah called a national emergency.  City walls in those days were absolutely essential as protection from invading armies; to have weak or broken down walls was inviting trouble!  An...

Assemble Prayer Groups and Man the Walls!

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word covers a couple of week's worth of Scriptures and daily words from the Lord that seem to keep building from the words given in June--namely, about the nature and scope of the "storm" that is coming to the U.S.  If you read my last post, I gave the words of the Holy Spirit in which He talked about a "great offense" coming that was so unforgivable that it would cause His people to rise up. Well, I have much more to add today.  First, it comes from Isaiah 28 and Ezekiel 34, two passages that God denounces the bad leadership of the northern kingdom of Israel and the bad leadership of the exiles in Assyria.  In both cases, the selfish and arrogant leadership are not taking care of the people, but rather leading them astray with false doctrine, dismissing the needs of the poor and weak, and using resources to better only themselves.  I even discern that it goes far darker than that. To better understand the trajectory of ...