Yo, Ho, Ho and a Bottle of Rum

Greetings in the Lord~

Well, this week is more of the same from the Lord; prophetic words addressing corruption, exposing sin, and recalibrating the land in the US, both in and outside of the American Church.

This morning I had a dream in which I was walking along a trail in the woods which connected two gathering sites some distance apart.  I was alone on the trail in this dense forest and was enjoying my walk when I heard footsteps running up behind me.  Scared, I quickly hid in the brush and waited to see who it was.  A big man wearing a bright blue jacket came running by, and in his hand he held a long leash connected to a much smaller, weaker man that he was almost dragging along as his captive. "Yikes! He's taking prisoners out here," I thought.  After they ran past me, I was just about to come out from my hiding spot when I saw a huge group of people wearing blue running and riding bikes from the other direction!  They were fleeing from something as well.  I let them pass and joined in their flight; I did not want to be caught alone along this trail and thought maybe it would be safer with them.  As we ran together, our fleeing footsteps rumbled on the worn path.  Many had come along this path, but now it was our turn.  What should have been a peaceful walk in the sanctity of nature turned into a frenzied scramble to get away from danger--like rabbits hopping desperately from vicious dogs.

As a woke up from this dream, I could still feel the rumble of the ground.  I pondered its meaning over breakfast, thinking about each detail.  Afterwards, I prayed to the Holy Spirit and He said, "Hosea 6 and 7."  Reading those two chapters I discerned there were a couple of different things the Lord was talking about, mainly, the insincerity of the Israelites towards God and the corruption of their leaders and people in the land.  Their worship was ritual and obligatory and not the true, deep love for the Lord He desired.  Likewise, the people presumed that God would restore their circumstances quickly without them having to repent and take their sins seriously.  The land was full of idolatry and rebelliousness, yet Israel refused to change.  They just kept thinking, "God is good," and that He would look away, but these insincere mindsets were unacceptable to the Lord. 

Next, Hosea addresses the corruption of the priests and Levites that lived in Gilead and trafficked along the roads leading there.  They were a murderous bunch, greedy and vile; they sought to take the weak and needy captive, then take "sanctuary" in the sanctuary city of Gilead.  This misuse of that refuge city was made worse still by the priests modeling the worship of false idols there.  It was a complete mess and the Lord was done with that.  He was going to allow a sifting of the people and priests to rid them of their insincere worship of Him and corrupt ways.  I do discern once again, that this prophetic word relates directly to many ministries in the United States.  I do believe that while many think they are ministering out of good intentions, the reality is that many pander positive prophecies and sermons to get more money from people or grow their ministries; or teach false (personal) doctrines that mislead and distort God's word, even leading into witchcraft unawares; or institute a "hierarchy of anointing" to try and control who says what and what they say, and so on.  I discern that it is the season of 'enough is enough.'  It is time to smash idols, uproot false doctrines, expose corrupt practices, and recalibrate our hearts so we can worship God in truth and devoted love again.  In the coming months it would not surprise me to see people "fleeing" from prominent (prophetic) ministries as God sets people free from their grasp and control.  Sometimes to get a machine back to perfect working order you have to completely dismantle it and check each piece as you put it back together again, then test it as you go.  It can be a laborious re-building process, but it won't work right unless you do that.  And God is an excellent God; He can and will restore us back to spiritual and physical health again as we submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 

Moving onto chapter 7, Hosea focuses his attention on those princes in Israel who are trying to undermine and usurp the authority of the king.  They use flattery and deception to hide their actions, but God determines to bring them down.  For these princes and their supporters alike are not just rebelling against the king, but to God who put him there.  The prophet says that they have deserted God by mixing with "foreigners" (meaning, not followers of God) and adopting their ungodly attitudes and behaviors.  Clearly, this chapter is addressing the inner dissention and arrogant thinking that was in Israel in those days.  Needless to say, "recalibrating" was needed pretty much across the board.  In fact, history shows that three Israelite kings were assassinated during this period of time.  I discern that this chapter is a prophetic utterance to those who continue to undermine the authority of President Trump, even by plotting against him or mocking and criticizing him on a daily basis.  Frankly, I would not want to preside over the US right now; it kind of reminds me of a ship full of pirates all plotting their schemes to overthrow Captain Trump.  Watch out, mates!  Haman got hung on his own gallows.  I really don't think Captain Trump will be walking the plank any time soon.     

~Be blessed and be a blessing.  


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