Open Our Eyes that We Might See

Greetings in the Lord~

Well, President Trump is just about finished with his tour of Asia, and despite what many "news" sources in the US will say, it went very well for the President.  There were many business deals signed to help with the global and regional economies, while issues of security, business ethics, and fair trade were also addressed in a productive and frank manner.  The internet chatter has been overwhelming positive for Trump in the countries where he visited for the most part, and I can confirm the support and respect he has garnered among the Chinese where I am.  Pretty much the verdict is this--he tells it like it is and doesn't back down.  He wins people's respect for his candor and strength.  Such a different report coming from the liberal left in the US!  And I've noticed something else, that the more distant one gets from those fake news sources geographically, the more sad and pathetic they sound.  From the Far East, they sound illogical, wholly unappreciative, corrupt, and out of touch with reality.  But the bottom line for me is this, God has fulfilled His word and has given Trump respect among the nations, and at least half of America is onboard.  Oh well.  At this point I am reminded of the passage of scripture where Jesus says, "A prophet is not accepted among his own people."  Funnily enough, probably no one would be more surprised with that notion than Trump himself, as his prophetic utterances seem to even catch him off guard! Hilarious.  That just goes to show that you don't have to be a super religious to be used powerfully by God; just have childlike faith and know that God means what He says, and says what He means. The rest is just details... 

Anyway, I will move on to share today's prophetic word from Ezekiel 13 and Micah 3.  Both of these scripture chapters deal with the same subject--denouncing false prophets and corrupt spiritual leadership.  It was assumed in ancient Israel that people in leadership positions would be good stewards over the people and execute their duties in a godly and righteous way, following the commands of God.  Of course, we know that wasn't the case some of the time.  And there were "prophets" claiming to have gotten a word from God or a vision or dream but in reality hadn't seen or heard anything at all.  They were simply pushing their own agenda or telling the people what they wanted to hear for personal profit or to curry favor. 

In any case, these misguided and corrupt spiritual leaders were being denounced by God.  The Lord was sick and tired of their greed, lies, and misguiding people into sin and away from truth.  The Lord was going to bring them down and expose their lies, thereby releasing all those they had taken captive by their false prophecies and detestable practices.  The passages go on to address the women who were "ensnaring" people with their "magic veils," and giving promises of life to those who were dying in sin, yet discouraging the righteous.  The Lord was going to break their snares and set the people free from their grasp, exposing them for the charlatans they had become. 

I announced already that we are in a season of heightened judgements being given to people and places for the unrepentant sin going on, but this word seems to focus on large, public ministries in the US, especially prophetic ministries.  Over the years I have made references to the fact that many public prophetic speakers like to only give encouraging words to people; some ministries have even made a strict policy of doing so.  Other prophetic ministers have gone beyond godly boundaries and teach and do things that are not of the Lord, but rather, have pagan or witchcraft roots.  Still more have come under spiritual attack and cannot discern the lying or familiar spirits at work around them.  Pride has opened the door for much of this to happen, but God in His mercy has sent people over the years to offer correction or a "spiritual recalibration", if you will, but I personally know that many prophetic ministries are not open to receive any discernment or correction from anyone, period. 

Well, we are in a season where the Lord is going to do some major pruning and exposing of false prophets.  The question is this: how long of teaching a false doctrine (or personal doctrine) before a prophet becomes a false prophet?  For example, the "prosperity" movement and "word of faith" doctrines were huge in the 90s and early 2000s, but when things went belly up in 2008 those anointed preachers were shown to be pushing empty doctrines of works!  "Do this, get that; believe this, get that."  It's like the nonsense of the book "The Secret."  There is no cosmic law of attraction, people.  This is a works mentality and it is rooted in paganism, nothing more.  How sad that even prophetic ministers have plagiarized this to include "God's law of attraction."  "Just praise God (work) and decree it (tell spirits what to do, like a sacred spell?) and God will give it to you."  It is totally a godless doctrine.  What's more, some Christian prayer groups conduct their intercession just like a witches' coven!  It's unbelievable.  Anyway, I do discern that enough is enough already; some of these prophetic ministries are going to be dealt with this season in His perfect way.  And thank God for it!  It is a loving God that cares enough to "recalibrate" us for His glory. 

~Be blessed and be a blessing.      


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