Blazing Iron of Harvey

Greetings in the Lord,

In 2003-2006, the Lord had given me many words about all the troubles that would be heading to the United States: natural disasters (Hurricane Katrina), financial disasters (Wall Street 2008), and the coming of a false light (Obama) that would lead many people astray and usher in a time of great spiritual backsliding in the United States.  These, among other things, were foretold by the Lord and had significance beyond their obvious immediate impact and result.  Therefore, it behooves us to scratch beneath the surface and allow the Holy Spirit to explain "Why?"  Foretold events are significant and go beyond natural circumstances.  It is important to leave conventional wisdom and the mystique of science and technology to sit at the feet of the Holy Spirit.  He is the only one who can explain, "Why?" and illumine the Word of God to the deeper layers of meaning encased within.

That is where prophesying gets a bit tricky.  We can only know in part, as we are human.  And, we have feelings, so no one likes to be the bearer of bad or controversial news.  That is why so many prophetic ministries only give feel-good prophetic words; in fact, some actually reject harshly anyone who would dare give a word of correction, admonishment, or dooms-day oracle.  They simply have no tolerance for that kind of prophetic word, accurate or not.  Well, unfortunately, some of us are called to give reality-based prophetic words, and I for one will share them--encouraging or not.

On August 22nd the Lord said for me to fast for three weeks, and two days later gave Jeremiah 16 (followed by Psalm 17, 63, 121, and Isaiah 8).  It is one of many sobering passages from the Old Testament prophet.  The chapter before he was lamenting to God about all his troubles from people for prophesying doom--they simply didn't want to hear it and persecuted Jeremiah.  Without batting an eye, the Lord continues in chapter 16 to decree the day of disaster that is coming to the land.  It will affect the rich and poor alike, young and old, and most important to the beggars on the street. The coming disaster will disrupt weddings and funerals, destroy houses and sweep away possessions.  And when the people ask, "Why has the Lord decreed such a great disaster against us?  What wrong have we done?" Jeremiah had the difficult task of pointing out their sin--idolatry, rebelliousness, hardness of heart against the Lord.  All of that was even greater than their forefathers had done in the Lord's eyes.  It was to the extent that the Lord decided to deal with it in His perfect way.  

In Isaiah 8, the prophet said that because the people rejected the gently flowing waters of the Lord, that God was going to allow the floodwaters of "Assyria" to overrun them.  In this case, "Assyria" was equated with pagans that rebel against God and His people, i.e. those who practice witchcraft and sorcery, who often target their victims in secret.  I discern, that much like Hurricane Katrina was meant to cleanse that area of witchcraft and paganism and reveal people's hearts towards God, so Hurricane Harvey has the same intended purpose.  Funny that Katrina means "pure" and that Harvey means "blazing iron."  'Blazing iron' reminds me of King David's prayer where he says the wicked cannot be removed by mere hands, but by iron tools.  Makes me wonder about the witchcraft/pagan community in Houston / Louisiana area----was this the epicenter of witches that issued a worldwide decree to use their sorcery against President Trump in March of this year??  Lord alone knows.

In verses 18-22, the prophet Isaiah says the coming disaster will have a revealing effect: those people that love the Lord will be a "sign and symbol" to others as they reach out in love and help with a positive attitude, while the wicked and those hidden occultists will be flushed out of their evil hiding places to shake their fists at God when all their mediums and sorcery proves useless.  How humbling it will be to have to accept help and resources from the Christians, those whom you've held hate against for no reason.  One can only hope that many hearts will be softened in the process, and that the dross of hatred and rebelliousness would be burned up in the flames of adversity.  God is always good, no matter good times or bad.  

So, in light of these scriptures, I pray that the Lord's will be done in all the areas being devastated by Hurricane Harvey, and that God will be their strength, fortress, and refuge as they move forward with the clean up and restoration process.  May God's grace touch many with the love of Christ as people are brought to their knees in their trying circumstances.  

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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