Summer Prophetic Words Taking Root

Greetings in the Lord,

It's not very often that I feel led to put updates on this blog of the prophetic words that get fulfilled, as I simply trust that God will bring them to pass in His timing and in His way.  And I certainly don't feel the need to prove anything to skeptics who doubt Christian prophets or scoff at the omnipotence of God.  The Most High is eternal and His throne is firmly established; though the rebellious shake their fists at Him, His edicts stand forever and His majesty fills the earth.  The Lord is unmovable.  Having said that, I still feel led to give an update from two prophetic words given over the summer.

From May and June there were prophetic words published about the Lord brooding over international contracts and agreements made between the US and many different nations, and of the necessity of the parties involved to keep up their end of the agreement.  It was a word of warning to countries that would try to renege on these agreements and make secret counter-alliances and pacts that did not adhere to the original agreements made: they would suffer public shame and humiliation and whatever benefit they thought they would get from the short-term betrayal would wither up and be of no value to them.  In fact, some leaders might even find themselves out of a job.

We see this happening with China and their agreement (and lack of keeping up their end of the bargain) with the US concerning North Korea.  They agreed to put pressure on North Korea to reel in their missile program, but they didn't bother to do that.  Therefore, they were reprimanded publicly by Trump and pressured from the global community to intervene to avoid economic sanctions and investigations.  But my heart tells me that they are still only making very superficial overtures at keeping up their end of the bargain, and I believe the Lord when He says that He will bring a "windstorm" to tear down and uproot those who continue to rebel on their agreements.  The second part to this prophetic word given in May and June was for countries to just submit and fall in line with the leadership of the USA these days.  Not that Trump is perfect or anything, but his leadership is a God-ordained circumstance and prosperity comes to those who submit to the Lord's plans and purposes.  We are in a special time in history and God is very active in the world today, like it or not.  This goes for individuals as well as whole countries--God is on the move and getting in sync with what He ordains is the best way to prosper and thrive in our tumultuous world today.

The next prophetic word was given in the first week of July and it talked about "sinners" being freed by God, even citing those in the entertainment industries that may have sold their souls for fame and fortune.  While there may be other examples of this word being fulfilled that I don't know about, one I have taken note of most recently is Kesha, the American pop singer.  Her situation is pretty interesting.  She has claimed sexual and mental abuse from her producer, Dr. Luke, and has tried to get out of a binding contract with Sony Music, but to no avail.  After 5 years, she finally has been granted the freedom to tour and release a new album this month.  However, one look at her music video for her new song, "Prayer," and it is obvious that she is one of the many who have been ensnared demonically by music producer elites.  Her video opens with her floating on the sea, near death, even wondering if she was alive.  Yes, my dear, by the hand of God, you have been saved, your faith has saved you.  The next scene shows two man-pigs (demons) chasing her and of her fighting to get untangled from a net (witchcraft curses and spells).  The whole video is about her spiritual deliverance from her ordeal and spiritual captivity.

Now, there are two major points I want to make. 1) God will save anybody that cries out to Him in faith, however small their seed of faith may be.  True spiritual deliverance is not earned, but rather, a supernatural act of grace and kindness from a loving God who does not want anyone to perish.  I've heard it said that no one can escape a blood oath taken or pact with the devil, but God's arm is not too short.  It might be a horrendous ordeal to gain freedom, but Jesus Christ is well able to direct our steps and shield us from utter destruction while we make our way along the path He lays out for us.  Every step of the way is intentional and can sear His wisdom in our hearts so that we would not desire to return to the mud and mire again.   2) Deliverance is not the end of the story, but the beginning.  I know of one woman who had been delivered from death and addiction and demonic captivity instantaneously, but afterwards she had to re-learn how to think, and act, and speak.  Her entire life had been negatively influenced for so long that just about every knee-jerk reaction she had to people and circumstances needed to be relearned.  She had to be very intentional about following the leading of the Holy Spirit, reading God's word, and putting everything into practice daily.  She would have to allow herself to be on a short leash, so to speak, to be trained in the ways of God, and in return, her life would flourish.  So it is with everyone who has been delivered from the pit---they have to turn to follow God's ways to avoid falling back into the pit.

In hearing Kesha's recent interviews and listening to her other two song releases, it is clear she will have to begin to make new choices to keep and sustain her freedom.  She will have to learn the ways of God and be intentional about living that way, and God could use her to literally reach a whole generation of people...the same opportunity goes for Justin Beiber, Britney Spears, Alicia Keys, and so many others.  Join with me in praying: For any performer who has sold their soul and is now crying out for God to deliver them, in the name of Jesus Christ, we decree the light and life of Jesus will find, deliver, restore, and use those performers for His glory; for those who call out to Him in faith for deliverance; for those who are willing to repent and forsake every thing they thought they wanted in this world to gain the Kingdom of Heaven and life eternal with Jesus Christ---they are being called out of the ashes this very hour and the gates of hell will not prevail against them, in Jesus' name.  Let the Lord's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Amen

The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord is on His heavenly throne.  He observes the sons of men; His eyes examine them.  The Lord examines the righteous, but the wicked and those who love violence His soul hates.  On the wicked He will rain fiery coals and burning sulfur; a scorching wind will be their lot.  For the Lord is righteous, He loves justice; upright men will see His face. Psalm 11:4-7

~Be blessed and be a blessing.          


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