Korea--One Nation Under God

Greetings in the Lord,

In light of recent events with North Korea and the United States, I am feeling the need to share the prophetic words the Lord gave me back in 2010, when I was living in South Korea.

The first was given on May 23rd, 2010.  The Lord simply said, "It is time for North Korea to fall.  It is time, and it will fall without one shot being fired."    

Next, on September 6th, 2010, the Lord gave a word from Psalm 82 and a dream to illustrate.  In Psalm 82, God decrees a word of judgment over unjust rulers, and in this case, it was North Korea's Kim Jong Il.  It was a stern warning for him to execute justice while there was yet time for him to do so.
"How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked?  Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.  Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked." Psalm 82:2-4

In the dream the Lord gave me with this word, I was talking to a reindeer with large antlers and was telling him: "Don't wait to do the right thing!  Life is too short and you should do good today--don't put it off another minute!"  But the reindeer said he "wanted to do other things first" and would get around to doing good later.  Off in the distance I saw a fence and realized that I was talking to the reindeer in his comfortable environment of green fields and pretty woods.  Life was good for this buck and he really was not interested in being upright, even though he clearly knew how to make good choices and was aware of his misplaced priorities in favoring the wicked.

"But you will die like mere men; you will fall like every other ruler."  Rise up, O God, judge the earth, for all the nations are Your inheritance.  Psalm 82:7-8

Though Kim Jong Il thought himself a god, this prophetic word was decreeing that time was indeed running out for him.  God's court was in session and He was presiding over and listening to the cries and prayers of North and South Koreans for reunification and for justice to be done on earth as it was in heaven.  I discerned then that soon Kim Jong Il would die, and sure enough, before the year's end he did.  Then the Lord began to speak to me out His plan for North and South Korea.

On November 28th, 2010, while worshiping in church, several of the members of the congregation grabbed flags from different countries and were waving them while we prayed for those countries. One woman was waving the South Korean flag--and swaying back and forth with it in the spirit realm was a North Korean flag alongside of it!  It was surprising to me only because during that time North Korea had fired missiles and even sunk a South Korean boat--tensions were very high between the two countries.  But the Holy Spirit said,

"Today, though the enemy has surrounded South Korea and pointed its missiles at them like a snake ready to strike, I say, 'The viper will not strike!'  I will crush its head and break its fangs.  Instead, you should be celebrating the North's freedom--for it draws near!  Yes, there are not two Koreas, but one people, one nation under God."

God has a plan of reunification in store for them--hallelujah!

So, today, people of God, let's get into agreement with God's will for these countries.  No matter the means or manner it is accomplished, we lift up the Lord's decree that:
"It is time for North Korea to fall.  It is time, and it will fall without one shot being fired."  

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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