He Who Digs the Pit Falls in It

Greetings in the Lord!

I wrote a while back about the rather aggressive season we are in this year--the enemies of God are plotting and moving against His people in very hostile ways, and that God is on the offensive as well!  Praise the Lord!  He rides His white horse into battle and "Victory" is His banner!

Well, along those lines comes today's word from the book of Esther, chapters 5-7, where the deceitful and scheming "vile" Haman finally gets his--and that, on the gallows he built for Mordecai!  You will recall that in chapter 3, Haman had bribed King Xerxes with a very large sum of money to have the king issue an edict to rid his kingdom of "a people whose customs are different and do not obey the king's laws."  Of course, he doesn't mention who these people are, but quickly offers a huge amount of money to bribe the king....and is successful.  The edict is spread all throughout the kingdom that on a certain day the people of God were to be plundered and killed.

However, this backroom deal backfired on Haman in no time, as Mordecai prompted Queen Esther to use her position to petition the king for mercy, "For who knows that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"  Accepting this responsibility, she in effect partners with the will of God to help deliver His people.  She reveals the truth of Haman's plan to King Xerxes, who becomes enraged; then, is shocked to see Haman throwing himself upon Queen Esther as he pleads with her.  The king's servants then add to that by saying that Haman had built gallows for Mordecai, and it's all over--the king has a hood put over Haman's head and hung him on his own gallows.  Amazing how swiftly the tables had turned on Haman, who, up till then, had every reason to think that his devilish plots would be successful!  But God is a God who saves!  Victory is His name.

With today's word I am fully expecting to see some devilish plots exposed.  Schemes concocted from the pit of hell to plunder, take captive, and devastate the people of God will be exposed and overturned.  He who digs the pit will fall into it!  Watch the news and see where God's strong hand partners with different people--people who have committed themselves to stepping up to the plate, using the positions they have been given by God for such a time as this!  There are many "Esther's" in our midst, thank God.  Whether they be godly officials in government, or the military, or journalists, or court officials, or whatever, God will move mightily in tandem with these faithful ones.  Hate and greed prompted evil schemes, but God will blow them away like smoke in the wind.  

When the Almighty scattered the kings in the land, it was like snow fallen on Zalmon....Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.  Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death....You are awesome, O God, in Your sanctuary; the God of Israel gives power and strength to His people.  Praise be to God! 
Psalm 68:14, 19-20, 35.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.  



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