Her Name is Irshad Manji

Greetings in the Lord!

Recently the Lord has drawn my attention to a woman I'd never heard of before, but one that is causing quite a stir in the Muslim world.  Her name is Irshad Manji, a Canadian author and human rights activist.  She is also a practicing Muslim and lesbian.  For her most recent book, "Allah, Liberty, and Love," I watched an online video clip of radical Islam jihadists storming her book signing in Holland and shouting death threats and insults at her.  The Dutch in attendance, non and Muslim alike, made a human shield around her so they could not hurt her physically.  That was in 2011.  Fast forward to another book signing in Indonesia in 2012.  She and her assistants and others in the crowd were attacked and injured by a mob of violent Islamists.  Wow, really?  An angry group of Muslims trying to use violence to stamp out differing viewpoints?  Never heard of that before. ! OK, all sarcasm aside, I can't begin to imagine what life must be like for this woman these days.  Islamists, especially those who like to preach jihad and hate rhetoric, have declared open hunting season on this lady.  Actually, even moderate Muslims are feeling uncomfortable with her challenges against the modern interpretations of the Quran.  So what exactly troubles them?  Well, she is honest about Islam and how it is practiced in today's world. Yep, most definitely her honesty is what troubles them. 

You see, she denounces all of the very obvious problems coming from within the Muslim extremists' community: the use of terror and intimidation to silence dissent, the prevalence of violence--bombings and be-headings, "honor" killings and other acts of misogyny and gender inequality, clerics who preach and teach hatred and jihad, but who themselves prefer to be worshiped rather than do the dirty work they propagate, and many more things.  Even for "moderate" Muslims, Irshad is calling for them to confront their own narrow, rigid views that restrict all forms of freedom--freedom of thought, of life, of equality, of opportunity, and to instead re-visit the Islam of days past where critical thought, debate, and a form of democracy were normal and characteristic.

Well, while I'm not sure that Islam ever existed, Irshad is one of the first Muslim to openly engage in an honest dialogue about these issues, and for that, she should be wholeheartedly supported by non and Muslims alike!  Let me say it more clearly: buy her book, understand her views, support her projects, and resolutely stand up with her!  She, and others like her, are being raised up by God to confront and dismantle the demonic strongholds over literally, millions of people. 

Look past religious affiliation, lifestyle preference, and her nationality and hear the words of truth coming from Irshad and others like her.  Where Muslims struggle with the truth she promotes, so do many non-Muslims who are bound by the stronghold of political correctness and apathy.  She is educating you, too!  Where it is easy to avoid confrontation through ignorance, and be dismissive by being "political correct," soon the trouble will be at our gates and we will not be able to hide our heads in the sand.

I declare to you, we will begin to see a rash increase of Islamic-oriented disturbances here in America, and in the whole world.  Now is the time to get equipped with the truth about Islam.  God has raised up a Muslim woman to educate people, and to give you support from within the Muslim community who admits that today's Islam does not promote peace, freedom or equality.  We can boldly stand up against the misguided interpretations of Islam without being judged as racist, prejudiced, or religiously intolerant!  When we are forced to fight for the preservation of freedom in America, we can and will victoriously proclaim the falsehoods about Islam and adamantly reject Sharia law from taking a foothold in our land. 

So, with all that, I give today's word from 2 Samuel 17.  It is a passage talking about when Absalom was planning to attack his own father, David, for the kingdom.  He consulted Ahithophel, a highly respected elder whose "advice was like that of one who inquires of God."  It's interesting though, that Ahithophel was not a prophet called by God, but that people valued his words as if he was a prophet of God.  (You can know already that God would not approve of this scenario.)  Well, Ahithophel advised Absalom to attack David while he was weary and weak and with a small company of people, striking only David, then all his people would come back to Absalom.

Currently, that is the very real situation of Irshad Manji.  Clerics and jihadist leaders alike are calling for her death, thinking that if she is eliminated before she becomes a bigger presence, then all her followers will return to them.  Ha!  God has another plan! 

But Absalom said, "Summon also Hushai the Arkite, so we can hear what he has to say."  (2 Sam.17:5)   

Hushai was secretly supporting David and was being raised up by God to frustrate the advice of Ahithophel.   You see, God has touched the hearts of many Muslims who secretly support Irshad and the truth she proclaims.   Let me say that again--though there are clerics who speak on their own advice to kill Irshad, there are many, many Muslims and non-Muslims who hear the truth of God in her views and support her; they will be called upon by God to protect and stand with her.  We have already seen a glimpse of that on a number of occasions, where people have made a human shield around her in public gatherings to protect her.  Likewise, in today's word, Hushai gives advice that caters to Absalom's ego ("gather all Israel to yourself, then attack") and David gets away.  By chapter 18 we read that Absalom's army is defeated in his all-out war against David's men and he is struck down easily. 

One thing to remember these days, God's "Davids" can be of any nationality, race, gender, or religious affiliation.  These Davids will be flawed individuals, just like you and me, and will challenge our understanding of how God chooses people to step out for Him.  In fact, the Lord specifically chooses the weak and lowly, the unassuming and sometimes uneducated or "sinner" to confound the strong and wise and holy-in-their-own-eyes. 

There is one last thing I would like to address before I close this word.  This summer I felt led by God to go to Toronto and visit the city, churches, and the original Toronto Blessing church.  I was curious as to what I would find and almost would have missed it if I wasn't paying attention.  Firstly, I was amazed to see the diversity of people groups there.  I can't tell you how taken aback I was to see the mixtures of nationalities hanging out together as friends, and of the variety of neighborhoods that were welcoming of all people to go there to experience their culture, food, and wares.  Next, I noticed the open acceptance and respect people had among the different people groups.  It was much deeper, genuine, and more spontaneous than I'd ever witnessed anywhere else on earth!  

Then, I went to the Toronto Airport Church.  I didn't see healing miracles or "holy laughter" or experience life-changing, prophetic words or powerful worship music.  I mean, they had meaningful services and I was blessed to attend there, but the original manifestations of the "Toronto Blessing" were not immediately apparent.  Instead, I discerned that I had already experienced the "Toronto Blessing" as it has permeated the region today: it is a love of God that doesn't see color, gender, or nationality!  In fact, I left Toronto feeling a love for all people like I had not experienced for awhile.  The anointing broke off the harsh culture of judgment and religion that I had been exposed to for the two years I lived in Saudi Arabia.  I felt free to love all people again!  It's also interesting to note that Irshad had spent significant time in Toronto as well.  Hmm, looks like the Toronto Blessing of God may have rubbed off on her, too! :)

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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