Free To Be Me

Greetings in the Lord!

I just came back from a conference held in Hollywood by a ministry working there.  The subject was on mind control being used in the music and media (movies, etc.) industries, and how mind control plays a part in End-time governance.  To be honest, I actually did some research before I went to the conference because I was so unaware of this issue, and truthfully, I wanted to see if there was any footage "coming from the horses mouth," so to speak, like from a celebrity confirming that this was indeed taking place.  Well, lo and behold, I came across one interview that sealed the deal for me.  In it was a short Q & A with Rosanne Barr on a "Hollywood Insider" type of show in which she specifically mentioned MK Ultra, a major mind control program, being used in Hollywood on celebrities and of her disapproval about it.  Wow!  It's not like I'm a huge fan of Rosanne, but I grew up with her shows and she has credibility in my eyes of having been a major player in Hollywood.  Why would she lie about this?  For sure there is nothing to be gained for her, and probably everything to risk--like her life, for speaking out.  But as she realizes that her time in the sun is probably finished, she feels it is her duty to speak on those wrongs that current stars still climbing the ladder can't talk about....and they have thanked her abundantly for it!

However, for "regular" people like you and me, what does all this mean?  Are we at risk for mind control programming?  Well, yes, if you study history, especially what came out of the Third Reich regime.  They were forerunners on the demonic pursuit of "behavior modification", i.e. mind control, propaganda, genetic manipulation, and so on.  Very quickly we can see how their "findings" spawned other institutes for behavior modification in the UK and US, all under the guise of legitimate civilian research, and continued on in the military unchecked.  Originally, mind control seemed attractive for creating an elite special forces that would carry out covert missions with alter personalities.  There would be no recollection for the officer or conviction to hinder the mission.  Just watch any number of movies on the subject, like the Bourne Identity series, for example.  But as what we know about man's conventional wisdom, it is not God's wisdom.  Our minds were not meant to be traumatized in such a way that we have separate factions or different personalities operating in a person.  And the premise of controlling another person's mind is purely evil; God gave us free will.  Therefore we can know that there will be no good fruit to come out of mind control.   

So, in getting back to Hollywood, it's clear to see how aspiring "stars" would be easy prey for mind control in the industries there.  An agent simply suggesting, "Well, you've got talent, but you're not as aggressive as we need to see.  Hey, we can create a new, sexier image for you--really cutting edge.  Try a few easy sessions of hypnosis, it's been around for years, and we'll bring out the star in you!"  Ha!  Not that easy or harmless.  For the few that agree and become wealthy but tormented slaves to the industry, many more will simply be ruined and thrown away.  Controlling another person's mind so you can make money off of every move you dictate for them is utterly wicked and sick.  God will surely judge this horrendous business practice. 

But today's word is for all of us, for anyone who has a big appetite for success or 'enlightenment' or whatever else appeals to our flesh and mind:

"When you sit to dine with a ruler, note well what is before you, and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony.  Do not crave his delicacies, for that food is deceptive." 
Proverbs 23:1-3.

Indeed, that ruler is seducing you, he is dangling a poisoned carrot before you.  That ruler, the one who has all the right connections, who says he will pay you handsomely for your loyalty and make sure that you always look great and are desirable, is luring you into a trap where you will be obligated to him for as long as you live, like a pimp on the street, and you'll be nothing more than a cohort to wickedness where your "skills" pay his bills and make him rich and fat.  This "ruler" might even be a type of life coach or guru, promising you all sorts of "wisdom" and wealth if you'll partake of their 'food.'  Don't do it, there are no get-rich-quick schemes that give godly fruit. 

"Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to show restraint."  Proverbs 23:4
"Do not let your heart envy sinners, but always be zealous for the fear of the Lord.  There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off."  Proverbs 23:17-18.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.        



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