Fire of the Orange Ball

Greetings in the Lord!
I have some good news to share--the wait is over for my book! Yes, it's true, it's now available on at:
I'm pretty excited to say the least. For all of you who have felt like you've been pregnant (or actually been pregnant!) with a special project, idea, or creative endeavor from the Lord, you will know what I'm talking about when I say it a huge relief to finally give birth! Praise God for His sustained strength and grace to bring to completion all that He has willed to be. May it be used to bring glory to His name.
The book itself covers a span of 13 years which includes my entire international playing career, born-again experience, and calling of the Lord to prophetic ministry. It reads more like one story unfolding into the next, which as we all know, is how life goes. And whether we realize it or not, God is there every step of the way. May you be richly blessed as you follow along in my journey--His journey--and may He open your eyes to the journey that you are on with Him, too.
~Be blessed and continue to be a blessing to others.