Coming Home

Greetings in the Lord!

This morning when the Lord had me read from Ezra 7:11-28, I kind of thought, "Well, OK, this is a letter from King Artaxerxes to Ezra granting him and any other Israelite the freedom to return to Jerusalem--why am I reading this?" But when I re-read it I could see that this edict was big news AND it was a decree for gold, silver, animals for sacrifices and anything else they needed, to be given to the returning Jews as well. A very generous decree indeed. Lastly, it called for the establishment of Jewish officials in the region to be set up all at Ezra's command. That was really big and great news for the the time. But what about now?

Well, right after that I came across an article that talked about how Jews from all over the world are returning to Israel to live for free for a period of time, with Hebrew classes made available to them, as well as housing and job opportunities. In fact, the article says that record numbers are coming from North America because of the current economic situation--double and quadruple from the previous year, especially in the 21-30 age bracket. Of course, then, I could see that the Lord had willed this to be...for His purposes ultimately. How exciting! And with this insurgence of skilled youth one can only imagine what new things will be on the horizon for Israel...what influx of ideas and renewing of hearts could result...who knows what good things the Lord is up to? Praise God!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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