News from LA

Greetings in the Lord!

Over the 4th of July I was out in LA. No matter how many times I visit there, I never ceased to be amazed by the propaganda the enemy puts out nonchalantly in movies to try and undermine or mock the move of God happening there. For example, the past couple of times the Lord had me go out there for ministry, one of the prophetic words He had me share was about the raising up of "Esthers" and "Deborahs" within the Hollywood celebrity community. Many of these women may or may not know the Lord intimately now, but the Lord is stirring their hearts just the same for spiritual revival and salvation.

So what poster is plastered all around LA at the moment? "Orphan;" with the leading character a disturbed orphan girl named, you guessed it, Esther. She appears so angelic and cute that the family loves to bring her home, but then the rest of the story is all a Hollywood horror film. There have been several prophetic words concerning God moving and shaking in Southern California, especially within Hollywood, and let it be said, God will have His way.

This trip, too, was timely as the passing of Michael Jackson had just occurred. As I drove along Hollywood Boulevard there were flowers upon flowers along the Walk of Fame sidewalk stars with people adding more. At the airport they told me people were flying in from all over the world to attend his funeral. His passing was a bit of reality for the town that never sleeps. Yes, our life on earth is fleeting, but thank God we who believe in Christ can be assured of eternal life. Our worldly trophies mean nothing in the end...and I felt like MJ's passing was a wake up call for some in Hollywood; at least that was the sentiment expressed to me by those living there.

Lastly, I want to mention another interesting and concerning aspect of ministering in Southern California, especially in LA--"the Simon the sorcerer" syndrome. As the prophetic movement glides through this part of America, it seems that there has been an unhealthy attraction for some, more males than females I've noticed, to be a "prophet." These types have an unbalanced desire for the gifts of the Spirit, especially prophesy, and will be quick to tell you that they are a prophet and/or an apostle. That's all fine and well, but, where's the fruit? the servant hood? the humility? the Christlike attributes? This last trip I even had one man suggesting that I marry him so that I "could be a help to his ministry." But there was no "ministry," only a greedy desire to be a famous prophet. In LA, there is an intoxicating desire to be famous--its purely a demonic influence being exerted there.

If you feel lead, please join me in praying for this part of America--specifically Hollywood--as the Lord is moving there like never before. The time is now for LA, the Lord is in their midst, moving and shaking all that can be shaken in people's lives to return hearts to Him. Also, on the Lord's heart is a spiritual revival and shaking coming to the gay community--West Hollywood. When Babylon overthrew Jerusalem, they emptied the temple of all the golden chalices and instruments for worship....but a day came when those golden temple instruments were returned to the temple in Jerusalem. Likewise, the Lord is calling for the return of His vessels, the ones who were stolen by the enemy to use their talents for worldly purposes--the Lord is calling for the return of His golden vessels, His eunuchs, His servants to serve Him within the church again.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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