Samuel Answered, "Here I am."

Greetings in the Lord!

Today the Lord had me read 1 Samuel 3, the story where God calls three times to an unknowing young Samuel. As you may recall, Eli finally figured out that the Lord was calling to Samuel and instructed the boy to respond accordingly. We know that in these days of the "hearts of the fathers returning to the sons, and hearts of the sons returning to the fathers," much instruction is being called for on the part of the older generation to lovingly direct our younger generation, a generation that by in large and as of yet, does not "know" Him.

I recall also when this Scripture passage was given as a word to one of my younger Syrian teammates back in the Fall of 2003. She had a pure heart, as did many of my younger teammates, and she was serving the Lord as best she knew how...but "did not yet know the Lord." One day she came to me with a question about whether she should be covered or not (wear the hajib). Even though I am Christian and she Muslim, she saw me as a spiritual advisor since I walked in honesty and sincerity and the culture around her primarily did not.

The Lord told me that it was He who was stirring her heart, for her to pursue a deeper relationship with Him, but she did not know it was the Lord. Since Islam is a doctrine of works, she only knew to "do" something to show she was hearing His call. Also, she was "different" even at that tender age ("chosen") and her elders were pressuring her to be quiet and submissive. I told her the choice to be covered was hers, but that the Lord was really knocking on the door of her heart and that the Lord wanted to begin to reveal Himself to her through His Word....of course, I meant the Bible, the true Word of God. The word from the Lord continued for her, namely, that she was chosen to bring revelation and life to a dry and desolate place called Aleppo, Syria; much in the same way Samuel brought revelation and life to Israel in the "days the word of the Lord was rare."

Praise God that the time has come for Samuels to raised up into service!
"And the Lord said to Samuel: 'See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle.'" 1 Samuel 3:11

Keep a watchful eye on Syria, China, Albania, Russia, and even the United States, as God begins to call into service and have a deeper relationship with those Samuels that He has chosen. Soon, very soon, a crop of Samuels will begin to speak revelation and life to desolate places, places where "the word of the Lord has been rare."

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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