Persevere, Abner Goes To David

Greetings in the Lord!

For the past couple days the Lord has been having me read the stories of David and Nehemiah and their many struggles with staunch adversaries on their way to re-build and rule in Israel. Often times their encounters included mockery, deceit, hostility, and malice, not to mention being falsely accused of various things and betrayals, even in close relationships. The verse in 2 Samuel 3:1 says it all: "The war between the house of Saul and the house of David lasted a long time. David grew stronger and stronger, while the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker." Yep, the war was long, but slowly David's strength grew and his family (supporters) increased--and he did indeed get to be king over all of Israel.

Yet there were many times that David and Nehemiah had cried out to God to save them from their enemies! Everyday was touch and go, especially for the re-building of the wall for Nehemiah. "They were all trying to frighten us, thinking, "Their hands will get too weak for the work, and it will not be completed." But I prayed, "Now strengthen my hands."

Psalm 69:16-20) "Answer me, O Lord, out of the goodness of Your love; in Your great mercy turn to me. Do not hide Your face from Your servant; answer me quickly, for I am in trouble. Come near and rescue me; redeem me because of my foes. You know how I am scorned, disgraced and shamed; all my enemies are before You. Scorn has broken my heart and has left me helpless; I looked for sympathy, but there was none, for comforters, but I found none."

So, these are the words of leadership in training, right? Yes, the Lord used their struggles and cries of desperation as opportunities to grow and mature His chosen leaders. That in the day of their reigning they would have already been conditioned to rely on the Lord--for their faith had been tested and they already went through the fires of purification, humility, and trusting God for all things.

Psalm 110:2-, 5,7) "The Lord will extend your mighty scepter from Zion; you will rule in the midst of your enemies. Your troops will be willing on your day of battle. Arrayed in holy majesty, from the womb of the dawn you will receive the dew of your youth....The Lord is at your right hand; He will crush kings on the day of His wrath....He will drink from a brook beside the way; therefore he will lift up his head."

Rejoice! We are watching leadership being shaped and prepared right before us in this election process! Open your eyes and thank the Lord for His chosen one! Did you know that David did not have the complete support of Israel for a long time--even though the Lord had promised him that he would be king? No, David was hiding in caves, fleeing from Saul's army and scraping by with his few but loyal warriors on the fringes of Israel. But alas, the day came when Abner went over to David's side....taking with him the elders of Israel, saying, "May God deal with Abner , be it ever so severely, if I do not do for David what the Lord promised him on oath and transfer the kingdom from the house of Saul and establish David's throne over Israel and Judah from Dan to Beersheba." Yes, my friends, that day will come--search and read the newspapers to find out: who is Hillary's Abner?

"Abner also spoke to the Benjamites in person. Then he went to Hebron to tell David everything that Israel and the whole house of Benjamin wanted to do. When Abner, who had twenty men with him, came to David at Hebron, David prepared a feast for him and his men. Then Abner said to David, "Let me go at once and assemble all Israel for my lord the king, so that they may make a compact with you, and that you may rule over all that your heart desires."
2 Samuel 3:19-21a.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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