The Long Race

Greetings in the Lord!

While many prophetic voices are writing about the "new beginnings" of 2008, the Lord has been really speaking to me about the presidential race of this year. One word keeps ringing in my spirit: 'process.' I discern that this year's election race will be divinely used as a "process" to reveal heart conditions of our people, even within the Body of Christ, as we engage in dialogue and debate about who we want for president and why. Pay attention to the conversations around you and of your own words, too. For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. And do not be quick to join in the political debates, for what do we know, really?

In Matthew chapter 20, there are 3 stories that deal directly or indirectly with the "first being last, and the last being first." In the one story, the early workers were indignant because the later ones got paid the same wage as they did, even though they did less of the work. I discern that this election "process" will be full of surprises, just as there are many reversals in the kingdom of heaven that defy conventional wisdom. Do you think it is a coincidence that there is a white female, a black man of Muslim parents, a Baptist minister, and Mormon adherent among the candidates? No way. "But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first." (Matt. 19:30). We cannot assume we know best. Be prepared for the Light of Christ to shine on this election race.

Also, do you remember how three times the apostle Peter was given a vision of "unclean" animals being lowered for him to eat and he would not? The Lord said to him, "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean." (Acts 10:15). There are many in the Church today trying to 'judge a book by its cover' and impose their manmade religious rules onto those "unlikely ones" the Lord has chosen and called to be His vessels in this day and hour. Likewise, too, many are trying to impose religious doctrine that has no basis in Scripture onto the circumstances, events, and people around them. Again, be careful. This is a year of sifting and separating the real from the false. What doctrines are you holding onto that simply do not line up with Scripture? It is not a time to be like a novice carpentar, who "guessimates" his measurements and is way off at the end. No, this season the Lord is holding a plumbline. Build accurately and concisely, using the Word of God. It is flawless. In Matthew 22 we read of the wedding banquet, in which many were invited and given wedding clothes to wear. Even so, there was one who tried to enter the banquet without wearing the wedding clothes. Nope, not gonna happen. Let us pray today that the Body of Christ would begin to get excited about receiving their wedding clothes and would delight in the humility and unity of wearing them.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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