Crucial Update

Greetings in the Lord!

I wanted to give you an update about a word given in January of 2006. The word was: "Before the beginning of 2008, the European Union will pass its constitution," thereby making the EU an official governing body. You may recall, that in 2004 there was a push to ratify th at Constitution, which was struck down by referendum in only France and Holland in 2005. After a "cooling off period," the ball was picked up again early in 2007. In a nutshell, EU officials simply renamed the Constitution a "Treaty" (of Lisbon), made slight legal modifications, dropped the formal use of the EU flag and emblem, and changed its exclusive reference to Europe's Christian heritage to an all-inclusive religious stance and reference to "humanism." Otherwise, the EU "Constitution" remins essentially the same. On December 18th, 2007 the Treaty of Lisbon was sealed, and now awaits passage (walk-throughs) in the governments of the EU nations. By making the legal changes and calling it a treaty, there will only be a vote of the people in Ireland (who already passed it), therefore, the Treaty essentially has been passed and will take effect in 2009.

You may be wondering, "Why this is important?" The European Union is basically the revived Roman Empire, and plays an integral role in end times prophecy. On March 8, of 2006, the Lord gave me a frightening vision of a four-headed beast coming out of the sea--with human hands. I understood that it symbolized human agents of the anti-christ on earth.

As Christians, we are called to pray for each other, and for the nations and kings of the earth. With President Bush now in Israel making his final appeal for a "peace" agreement there(which a "peace" agreement is the platform the anti-christ uses to rise to power), we should be lifting him up in prayer, asking the Lord to guide him and pour out His wisdom upon all the leaders involved. Any "peace" agreement being proposed about Israel and Jerusalem should get the attention of praying Christians, as we are told several times in the New Testament to be alert and recognize the "signs of the times." We cannot let a distorted and unScriptural doctrine of peace lull us to sleep in these perilous times and bring the wrath of God to our nation.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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