Laughter Is the Best Medicine

Greetings in the Lord!

It has been awhile since the Lord has laid anything in my spirit that I felt led to share with you all, but from my heart I am hoping the Lord is moving mightily in your life this summer. Recently I asked the Lord about the absence of writing on here, and the Spirit laid in my spirit that this is a different season--one of reaping, whereas last year was one of sowing many prophetic words.

Having said that, I am going to share a word today that came accompanied with a dream. This morning I awoke from a dream in which I saw a young person at the death of Chris Farley. You may recall that he was a talented funny man of the Saturday Night Live show in the 90s.

Anyway, in my dream Chris was in a very nice apartment in a skyscraper building. He was clowning around and trying out some new material for a stand-up routine when he just collapsed. The young person he was entertaining was alarmed, but didn't know what to do. That person called 911 and told the dispatcher Chris was in serious trouble, maybe dead. As that person got off the phone, they started to think about what Chris' life had become: drug abuse, prostitutes, wild living, etc. and panicked for Chris. I saw that they wanted to pray for him, but didn't know what to say. Finally, they yelled, "Chris, I know you can hear me! Just say, 'Jesus, help me!' and He will! Only Jesus can save you now! Just say, 'Jesus, help me!'"

After the dream, the Lord told me to turn to 2 Kings 12, the story about King Joash. This king lived righteously in the early years of his life, even having the temple repaired---all while he was receiving instruction from the priest, Jehoiada. However, he did not remove all the "high places" in Israel, and so they remained as potential sources of idolatry into Israel. Then, late in his reign, King Joash fell into serious idolatry himself and ended up being assassinated by his officials. A good start became sidetracked, then off-track, and finally ended terribly.

Likewise, the biography of Chris Farley followed the same course. As I prayed to the Spirit for more understanding, it was laid upon my heart that the Lord wants to do an amazing work in the comedy circuit--whether it be on New York's "Saturday Night Life," or Chicago's "Second City," or LA's "Improv," the Lord wants to clean up, restore, and return the gifts He gave to many talented individuals/past celebrities back to His service. Begin to thank the Lord that He will renew these lives and ultimately America, with the healing of pure, joyful and redemptive laughter! Praise God for His goodness and love!
"Surely you don't think this word is really from God?"
~Yes, I do. And don't call me Shirley.

Be blessed and be a blessing.


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