Tree of Life II

Greetings in the Lord!

I'm being shaken from my restful month to share with you an urgent prayer request. If you may recall, on November 1st I wrote a blog titled, "Tree of Life." In it, I shared a vision the Lord gave me about the local high school here in Big Rapids. First, the Spirit put on my heart to pray "for the light and life of Christ to fill that school." Then, the Lord gave me a vision. In this vision the school was represented by a huge oak tree on a hill and its leaves, fruit and branches provided healing, knowledge, and shelter for the kids of this region (it is a "school of choice" and kids come from as far as an hour away to attend).

However, after a moment I saw that there were many dead bodies hanging on the tree branches and became alarmed. I prayed that the Lord would cut down those hanging bodies and breathe His Life back into them. I believed at the time that those bodies were dead dreams, hopes, relationships, etc. and prayed that the Lord would resurrect them.

Well, here's the prayer concern: those bodies on the tree also represent actual bodies! This week a freshman boy was found dead after accidentally strangling himself to death. It is a practice some of the boys do there: they "hang" themselves while masterbating to heighten the effect. From the vision I understand that it is a fairly widespread practice--more than anyone but the Lord realizes.

The Lord has already arranged opportunities for myself to share the vision and its warning with two of the school's administrators (I play basketball with them). However, I am asking that all of you prayer warriors lift up your hearts to the Lord at this time and ask our Father to cut the rest of those hanging bodies down--that not one more life be needlessly ended. Pray with me that the Almighty will be present with those administrators and teachers to address the situtation with boldness and wisdom; that the life and light of Christ will fill the school and completely defeat the plans of the enemy for those boys; let's pray that from the ashes, new life in Christ will spring forth in the kids of the school and songs of praise and His wisdom will fill their hearts and minds. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year~


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