Like a Child We See and Believe

Greetings in the Lord!

Today's word comes from Matthew 18:10:
"See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven."

~The Healing and Prophetic conference in Grand Rapids was amazing. My favorite talk had to be with Bob Jones and all the children at the conference Saturday morning. He sat up on the platform and had the children sit around him while he talked about seeing heaven...he was going to teach each of them to see into heaven! Next they made a single file line as if they were waiting to see Santa Claus and when they approached him, they were to raise their arms and look upward while Bob shook their little hips a second or two. The next part astounded me--each of the children shared what they saw and Bob told them the spiritual meaning of it from scripture. Some had seen the throne, others saw rivers and waterfalls (Holy Spirit), and green leaves on trees (healing), and yet for others colors or items that represented the spiritual gifts they had been given by the Lord. Then, Bob sent the children out into the audience to pray and prophesy over the s. Many grown-ups cried when they heard the kids prophesy the truth about what had been going on in their lives and what the Father in all His mercy did or was doing to help them.

After that, Larry Randolph prophesied a decree for the state of Michigan: basically, that winds of change were blowing through to bring about freedom--freedom to have unity among the denominations; freedom to walk in the gifts of healing and prophecy that would have an impact around all the earth; freedom to worship God in spirit and in truth. He even said the Lord would confirm this word by a sign in the wintertime. As I heard him decree all of this I had to smile and think back to my July 2nd blog...I wrote the similar word (based on Psalm 83:13-15 and Mark 16:20) about the Lord sending a "wind" and "tempest" to tear down the strongholds over central/lower Michigan to pour out His Spirit here, and that as we preached the word, the Lord "confirmed His word by the signs that accompanied it;" Also on July 2nd, 2006, a wind storm blew over lower Michigan to confirm that He was indeed clearing the skies and tearing down strongholds for an outpouring of His Spirit all across Michigan.
~Praise the Lord! The whole earth is filled with His glory!


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