
2023 Dial M for...

  Greetings in the Lord, Well, as prophetic speakers do, the first of the year is when they share what the Lord is putting on their hearts for the upcoming year, and I am no different.  Sometimes the word will come in the late fall or at the end of the year.  Sometimes it comes around the Lunar New Year time (Jan-Feb) as it did for me this year.  No telling how the Spirit will move from year to year, but suffice to say He does...and then, you have to deal with what the word is as that can be just as unpredictable. This year's prophetic word is along those lines.  Really, I started to get some rather intense words in December, but wanted to digest it awhile as I wasn't sure how they fit in the big scheme of things yet.  They were words of treachery, people pregnant with evil schemes and planned upheavals and wicked ambitions desiring to burst forth.  Then, there were God's plans to thwart and expose such evilness.  Spiritually and politically speaking, we are in a most tumul

Matthew 19:1-12 What the Bible says about...Eunuchs??

Greetings in the Lord~ Up till now, I almost exclusively share prophetic words and dreams and such on this blog, but today I feel led to share a bit of teaching from Scripture.  It might even be a series of sort.  At any rate, maybe this is a word in due season for someone, but mostly I will share what I have learned from Matthew 19:1-12 and its relevance to the modern Church, and Western culture specifically, on the issue of marriage, divorce and the unfamiliar term of "eunuch," which leads to a better understanding of homosexuality and the Bible.   For starters, the Bible is very direct about the issue of adultery and homosexuality -- both are forbidden practices for God-fearing believers.  But what I like about this passage in Matthew 19, is that it comes at these topics from a different angle and sheds new light in a way that can help bypass the din of conflicting voices and media propaganda that are trying to influence Christians away from what the Bible says.  And, the

"Nations" That Forget God Will Be Forgotten

Greetings in the Lord, It can be said that, "Forgetfulness of God is the cause of all the wickedness of the wicked."  Some may argue, "But 'he, she, I or they never knew God.'"  Yet it is written that God created us in His own likeness, and that we even can see and recognize God in all of creation, His handiwork.  Romans 1:18-23 and 28-32 explains it this way: "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.  For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -- His eternal power and divine nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.  For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkene

Let the Tables Be Turned

  Greetings in the Lord~ It is now after the New Year, but I actually began this word before Christmas.  However, it was a hectic time for me, as I was moving to S. Korea and wanted to be more settled before I wrote.  It has been a long time since I lived in Korea, over a decade, and of course, there have been many interesting changes.  However, before I came over I suspected that there would also be some not so pleasant changes, given that they are closely linked spiritually to the U.S.  And right after I got here, the frigid winds started blowing fiercely here and in the United States.  Yes, the weather was cold, but it was merely manifesting from the spirit realm, as spiritual winds and darkness, antichrist winds, were blowing with a vengeance.  Something was and is up.  In the weeks leading up to Christmas, all the prophetic words I had been receiving were words of judgment for the US leadership and their globalist backers, those who shake their fist at God and propose ideas contra

The Decree To Rebuild Resumes

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Ezra 3 and it is a mixed prophetic word, as a couple of themes are presented that paint a somewhat bittersweet picture.  First, the Israelites had been exiles in Babylon and elsewhere for quite some time up to this point, and finally saw the defeat of Babylon.  A large group of them headed back to Jerusalem to reclaim their homeland and were given permission by King Cyrus to rebuild the Temple of God.  So, a couple of very big victories at long last!  Ezra 3 begins with the rebuilding and consecrating of the altar, and worship of God according to His commands and festivals resumed, so the people rejoiced.     Then, came the rebuilding of the Temple itself.  King Cyrus had given the decree for it to be rebuilt and even permission for great cedar logs and other materials and craftsmen from Lebanon to assist, so the Temple would be a grand structure once again.  However, as the construction went on, the older generation that remembered th

Judgement on the Idolaters

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word is from Ezekiel 9, and it truly does not pull any punches.  It is a word of judgment, starting with the leadership of the nation down to the common person, for all their hidden sins of idolatry and corruption.  In chapter 8, Ezekiel had been shown a vision of the leaders of Israel praying to the sun and other foreign gods in secret rooms, and again in the Temple with their backs to the Lord's altar.  He saw also women worshiping the god Tammuz in the north gate of the Temple, and still more out in the portico of the temple worshiping more foreign gods.  All of this is detestable to the Lord, made even worse that it would be done in the Temple by the leaders and common folk alike.  The land was ripe with judgment, for sure! So in chapter 9, Ezekiel is shown 6 angels of God at the altar in the Temple receiving their assignment to carry out destruction upon the people, first starting within the house of God with leadership, then onto the rest of

Master of Intrigue, Slippery Infiltration

  Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Daniel 11.  It is one that talks about events that many believe have already taken place - those wars and conflicts centering around the Seleucids of Syria and Ptolemies of Egypt.  These perspective mini-kingdoms arose after the premature death of Alexander the Great, whereby his conquered lands were divided four ways and given to his generals.  Seleucus acquired Syria while Ptolemy got Egypt.  And naturally, as both grew in strength and importance above the other two kingdoms, they looked to square off against each other, seeking to dominate each other as they had so effectively learned under Alexander.   So on one hand, this chapter is a prophetic history lesson for Daniel.  However, midway to the end of the chapter a most vile character, classically named the Antichrist, begins to emerge on the scene and becomes the center of attention through the rest of the book of Daniel.  Historically speaking, there is an actual person that b

Crashing Down From Your Lofty Perch

  Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from the little book of Obadiah, verse 6 to be exact: "Every nook and cranny of Edom will be searched and looted.  Every treasure will be found and taken."   Hmmm...interesting.  On the heels of an illegal search and seizure of the previous President, this word comes to us today from the Lord.   Whenever I get a word from the book of Obadiah, it reminds me of the dream I had a couple of months before the 2020 election.  It was a dream of corrupt decision-makers gathered together, high up on a rocky cliff side room overlooking the land.  You know, King Herod had a palace in the same location; high up on a rocky mountain, overlooking the valley below.  He thought he was invincible up there, just like the Edomites.  King Herod was a corrupt king, and so are those decision-makers from my dream.  They plotted an evil scheme to steal the election up there, and delighted in putting an old puppet in power so they could control him, to p

Powerful Palisade Peaches!

Greetings in the Lord~ Last month I visited a town in western Colorado called Palisade.  It is located in a valley out on the desert highlands and is known for its farming of fruit, especially peaches.  I had never visited this town before, or really spent any time in the western part of Colorado at all.  There are few big cities out there, and most of the industry relates to its natural resources and the land itself--farming, mining, drilling, etc.  Overall it's quite beautiful, but since it's far from major urban areas, the population is fairly sparse.  Anyway, I just never had a reason to go out there, but in mid-July I spent a long weekend in Palisade and had a wonderful time.         So why am I writing about this?  Well, as God does, He likes to give dreams and prophetic insight about people, places and events to His people.  And so, the Lord gave me a dream about this little valley in the outer reaches of Colorado.  It was a dream of the history of that area and of the t

Short Waiting Time

Greetings in the Lord~ Today's word comes from Ezekiel 12.  It is a passage that tells us Ezekiel was commanded by God to act as though he was going into exile, including eating his food in fear, climbing through a hole in the wall to get out, and carrying away only what he could carry in his hands.  The Lord was making him a sign to the Israelites who were watching him that they were indeed going to be overrun by their enemies and going into exile soon...very soon.  Ezekiel had already told them this was going to happen and they refused to listen to  him, even saying things like: "Time passes, and prophecies come to nothing," and, "He is talking about the distant future; his visions won't come to pass for a long, long time!"   But to those comments the Lord gives His word: "The time has come for every prophecy to be fulfilled!" "There will be no more false visions and flattering predictions in Israel.  For I am the Lord!  If I say it, it will

Take a Roll Call from THE LIST

Greetings in the Lord! In the last post I declared there would be brighter days ahead, for the righteous and all things good, that it!  With ungodly judgments overturned, lies exposed, and the wicked to be held to account for their misdeeds--it will be brighter indeed!  We are in a season of judgment, where God is executing His judgments and His will being done, on earth as it is in Heaven.  Praise God! Having said that, I do wonder one more big item that falls in line with this -- "What about Epstein's List??"  When do we get to see the names of all the guilty clients he got young girls for?  Yes, he was guilty himself, but he had many participating clients.  Surely his blood does not get to pay for the sins of the many, many rich and famous and wickedly arrogant that joined him in the human trafficking!  No, there is only One righteous enough to pay for sins--Jesus Christ. So, when do we get to see this List of famed guilty ones?  When do we get to see the strong hand o

Brighter Days Ahead

  Greetings in the Lord~ Well, no one was more surprised than me to receive this prophetic word, or words, as the case may be.  Starting on June 9th, I was led to read Hosea 3, then a week later John 8, and then today Ezekiel 37.  Two of the three of those passages deal with an adulterous woman being forgiven/redeemed, and all three deal with the restoration and new beginnings or new life.  Let's start with Hosea 3. At this point in the story, Hosea had already sent his wife away because of her adultery (she was a prostitute to begin with), but out of the blue, the Lord tells Ezekiel to buy back his unfaithful wife and live with her again.  At first they would just be roommates, because he was not to be intimate with her for a period of time.  However, after that prolonged period of time, they would resume their marriage again, only this time, she would be faithful to him.  When the Israelites came to Ezekiel to ask about all his actions, he was to explain that Gomer, his unfaithfu

Refuse the Teachings of the Nicolaitans

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, this week there was one particular news headline that grabbed my attention, and into which the Lord also gave me some insight.  That headline was about the Methodist drag queen that is on the road to becoming an ordained pastor in that denomination.  Actually, it was quite shocking to see the headline and picture, which had her in full costume as Ms. Penny Cost.  But what I found more shocking was her "teaching" and poem that had been shared on YouTube.  The poem was filled with profanity and anti-God statements and her false teaching was straight up paganism, although she never revealed directly which god she worships.  The bottom line is--he and his ideas are not Christian.  He is a modern-day Nicolaitan. The Nicolaitans were condemned by the Early Church and in Revelation 2-3 for their teaching on spiritual compromise on worldliness and endorsement of sexual immorality.  In doing research on the originator of this school of thought, Nicolas, it

Season of Judgment -- Job's Story

Greetings in the Lord~ It's been a little while since I've last written, but of course these days, that is not an indication of nothing going on--quite the opposite!  In fact, we've seen the fulfillment and fulfilling of many prophetic words from the past few months---from rising inflation, shortages, exposures of corruption, the leveling of lying media outlets and big tech platforms to the continuing circus of confusion happening in the White House.  Whew!  But as today's prophetic word tells us, you ain't seen nothing yet! Yes, today's prophetic word is from Ezekiel 7 and let me tell you, it is a doozy!  Basically, it decrees that judgment is here, right now upon the land--for this land and its leaders have become so obsessed with riches, that their greed and penchant for violence has finally caught up with them!  A nation that trusts in its prosperity and possessions instead of God is doomed for--watch as all those things we trusted in are taken away!  Inflat

God is Mightier Than the Mightiest Angel

Greetings in the Lord, Recently, the Lord led me to read Psalm 89.  Upon initial read, the psalm is a declaration of the Lord's faithfulness to the promises, covenants even, that He makes.  The Lord will fulfill His word--period.  But then it goes on to talk about the fact that the promise, even the covenant, has not only not been fulfilled, but that those given the promise are being mocked and ruined by their enemies while it seems the Lord does nothing.  The psalmist makes a plea for the Lord to remember His promise and to fulfill it.   In this case, the promise that was made was that David and his descendants would rule forever, and the promise was kept through the coming of Jesus Christ.  Yet, prophetically speaking, the Lord raises up other "David's" to rule on earth as well, those that have a heart for carrying out the will of God on earth.  They are not the Savior Jesus Christ, but still, they live to bring forth the plans and purposes of God as best they can u