Matthew 19:1-12 What the Bible says about...Eunuchs??
Greetings in the Lord~
Up till now, I almost exclusively share prophetic words and dreams and such on this blog, but today I feel led to share a bit of teaching from Scripture. It might even be a series of sort. At any rate, maybe this is a word in due season for someone, but mostly I will share what I have learned from Matthew 19:1-12 and its relevance to the modern Church, and Western culture specifically, on the issue of marriage, divorce and the unfamiliar term of "eunuch," which leads to a better understanding of homosexuality and the Bible.
For starters, the Bible is very direct about the issue of adultery and homosexuality -- both are forbidden practices for God-fearing believers. But what I like about this passage in Matthew 19, is that it comes at these topics from a different angle and sheds new light in a way that can help bypass the din of conflicting voices and media propaganda that are trying to influence Christians away from what the Bible says. And, the passage starts out pretty much the same way the discussion begins nowadays -- assumptions are made right off the bat that are untrue and un-Biblical.
So first of all, the Pharisees came to Jesus and were trying to trap him yet again by asking him, "Should a man be allowed to divorce his wife for just any reason?" The untrue assumption is that because Moses allowed them to divorce legally, that divorce was an acceptable practice by God. But quickly Jesus tells them that is not the case. In fact, it was a concession made by Moses (a man-made solution) to avoid dealing with their rebellion/stubbornness in marriage.
"Haven't you read the Scriptures?" Jesus replied. "They record that from the beginning 'God made them male and female.' This explains why 'a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one'. Since they are no longer two but one, let no man split apart what God has joined together." Matthew 19:4-6
Therefore, we learn: 1) God creates only male and female biologically, and 2) marriage is a lifelong commitment. In the first case, it's true that deformities happen in nature, but genetically we are still dealing with X and Y chromosomes. Also, any surgical procedure or hormone given to alter a person's body is merely cosmetic and will not change their original genetic composition.
As for the second notion, clearly divorce was not the original intention of God and the "two becoming one," hints at marriage being a spiritual phenomena (obviously, as husband and wife do not morph into a literal connected, hybrid creature! ha) that the act of adultery corrupts. In the spirit realm, when you have sex with someone, your spirit becomes attached to another person's spirit in a mysterious way. But when you marry before God, this connection is combined with a divine covenant -- it's a serious spiritual connection with each other and with God. But when a person commits adultery, a spiritual door to the demonic opens and evil/unclean spirits come into that household/marriage. These demons attempt to severe that relationship and destroy those involved. The book of Proverbs talks about this in detail, though most people regard it as metaphorical language. At any rate, most serious domestic conflicts arise from adultery, as this sin opens the door for demons to enter in and cause all sorts of trouble. That is also why counseling will not heal a union spiritually, but rather, there needs to be spiritual intervention and deliverance which comes only through repentance and God's help.
Anyway, the disciples do not like hearing from Jesus that divorce is not an acceptable option in God's eyes, so they say, "Well, maybe it is better not to get married!" Jesus agrees that marriage is not for everyone, but for "only those whom God helps." That is when Jesus talks about the idea of being a eunuch. Traditionally, a eunuch was defined as "an emasculated male," or "barrenness," or anyone who did not seek to get married.
"Some are born as eunuch, some have been made eunuchs by others, and still others choose not to marry for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let anyone accept this who can." Matthew 19:12.
Right away we can see that two of these three scenarios are the same as the debate on why people engage in a homosexual lifestyle: they were born that way or they chose it. But we must be careful not to make the assumption that just because God's plan for someone is to be a eunuch, that He is endorsing a gay lifestyle, as there are plenty of Scriptures that directly forbid this practice. Rather, Jesus' comments are addressing the unspoken cultural notion of the day -- that only married people with children are blessed. Jesus was refuting that, saying instead that marriage is a lifelong commitment and not everyone is meant to make that commitment; people who are born eunuchs or created by others to be eunuchs or dedicate themselves as eunuchs to serve God can and are blessed if they follow God's word faithfully. It is all about understanding your spiritual identity and role and blessed relationship with God as an unmarried abstinent person.
Isaiah 56:3b-5 tells us clearly:
"And don't let the eunuchs say, 'I'm a dried up tree with no children and no future.' For this is what the Lord says: I will bless those eunuchs who keep My Sabbath days holy and who choose to do what pleases Me and commit their lives to Me.
I will give them -- within the walls of My house -- a memorial and a name far greater than sons and daughters could give. For the name I give them is an everlasting one. It will never disappear!"
So, the fact that the Church does not teach on this Biblical concept and instead tries to adopt a secular or demonic doctrine of acceptance of the gay lifestyle, people who are "eunuchs" are missing out on understanding their true blessedness in the Lord. It is a double tragedy! I will write more about this topic, but today I pray that people will begin to re-examine what the Scriptures have to say about the "eunuch" and allow themselves to be taught and blessed by God in an all new way. His Truth will impart life to a lost and oppressed generation of singles and gay folks and give these eunuchs a chance to re-claim their blessed heritage and renewed walk with the Lord.
~Be blessed and be a blessing.