Build that Wall, Mr. Trump!
Greetings in the Lord~ Well, much has been said about the wall that Mr. Trump wants to build along the southern border of the United States--cheers, ridicule, scoffing, and everything in between. But you know what? That wall idea is a God-given, prophetic utterance! My guess is, too, that Mr. Trump doesn't even realize that. No, just like the Cyrus of the Bible, Cyrus decreed the re-building of the temple of Jerusalem and didn't know he was fulfilling prophecy by doing so until it was pointed out to him. Let's take a moment to discuss the Biblical implications of walls around cities, in general. In the book of Nehemiah, Nehemiah was brought to tears when he was told that Jerusalem's walls had been torn down and its gates burnt up. To people in those days, that meant that the city was defenseless against its enemies, that even wandering animals could enter and trample and devour its inhabitants. But more than that, it was symbolic that God wa...