God Fills in the Gaps of our Faith

Greetings in the Lord!

Well, after taking some time for much needed R&R, the Lord now prompts me to get active again and publish this latest prophetic word.  It comes from a book in the Bible that I must admit, I don't read from very often, not sure why.  Honestly, I am more familiar with those little Old Testament books that typically don't get a lot of attention, like Nahum, Habakkuk, Obadiah and Amos.  Anyway, today's word comes from 1 Thessalonians 3.

This chapter is part of a letter to the church in Thessalonica, whose members have been undergoing prolonged persecution and hardships for their faith.  Paul is "afraid that the tempter had gotten the best of you and that our work had been useless."  It is a very legitimate concern and one that I'm sure many Christians can relate to currently, as we have had non-stop trials and difficulties and hindrances to our faith and Christian values since 2020.  It can take a toll on someone, and it has it seems, as church attendance numbers have still not recovered for many congregations since the pandemic days.  I like that Paul blames the "tempter" in his apprehension, as even the subtle onslaught of distractions---our own online screen time, increased demonic influence in entertainment programming, etc. it all can be traced back to evil forces at work.  Paul correctly identifies the nature of the battle.  But overall, no matter by what form our persecution comes in, whether by overt or convert means, whether through our resistance or sometimes conformity to it, the enemy of our soul is at work, blowing like the wind against our path as we forge along in our walk of faith.  

Needless to say, Paul is relieved to find out that the church of Thessalonica has been remaining firm in their faith, and he can't wait to rejoin them again to "fill in the gaps in your faith."  I love that!  That is exactly the prophetic word for today--our merciful Father is going to "fill in the gaps of our faith" as we remain in Him; I believe this will come to pass in a myriad of ways, both personal and corporately. 

First of all, I see God's peace of mind coming to us as we are "re-calibrated" in our minds and emotional well-beings.  The best allegory I can give is this: the United States has changed from being a spiritual playground to a spiritual war zone, more like the rest of the world.  This transition has happened as a result of her own people willingly becoming more like the rest of the world, i.e. chasing after false gods.  God's blessings depart those that turn from Him, and struggles enter in---economically, politically, socially and so on, and we have been living through that.  But with an increased push to establish an antichrist agenda by global elites as of late, the whole world has been reeling to get some semblance of order and balance again, with Christians especially dealing with an increase in assault against their faith.  But God in His mercy!   

As the whole world is changing their outlook and expectations these days to align with the current clash of values going on, a divine re-calibration is happening.  People of faith everywhere are being strengthened in their fight to hold onto their faith by a merciful Father who sees their trials.  Sometimes the strength comes by the Lord merely changing your perspective on things, i.e. opening your eyes to realize that there is a spiritual battle raging.  Sometimes the strength and peace comes from enduring and overcoming the trials by the hand of God.  But no matter how it comes, the re-calibration from seeing yourself as a victim of the global antichrist agenda to a victorious Christ-centered believer leads to revitalization of faith for the faithful as expectations change and believers hunker down for the fight.  It is in that moment that the miraculous takes place!!  

I have written about this before and will declare it again--there is a mystery regarding persecution.  In the midst of spiritual persecution, even of the most dark kind, that darkness becomes the rich soil for the miraculous to break forth!  It becomes the fertile ground for the planting of God's Seed, as Scripture tells us that when a seed is planted into the ground and dies to self, it becomes a plant that brings forth multitudes of seeds again--new fruit!   Therefore, this divine re-calibration is essential.  People of faith need to not only see, but recognize the trials and hindrances that are coming against our faith and delight in the re-calibration of their spirits as they stand firm in their faith in Christ.  For it is from these fiery ordeals that we will be made pure, given peace, hope and strength, and manifest the miraculous.  The gaps in our faith will be filled in by the loving hand of Jesus, and we will delight with the fellowship of other believers and grow in our faith.  

So, what can we expect prophetically?  I do believe we will continue to see God's strong hand of discipline moving publicly as the wicked carry on in their increased attacks on the faithful.  In the pinnacle of His judgment, a corrupt leader will be removed as his wicked schemes are exposed, and we will see a surprise female take the helm--but she is of the spirit of Athaliah and will not remain.  And those who have not gotten caught in the past but refuse to step down when given the chance will be forcefully removed, whether by health or shame or both.  Additionally, I am expecting to see Donald Trump move step by labored step back into the position the Lord has for him in leadership for the United States, being purified and re-built in dignity with each small and incredibly laborious step he takes forward.  

Secondly, a divine sifting and pruning back to health will come to the entertainment industry in a major way.  Overall, I expect the Lord to bring healing and reconciliation as He separates the wicked from those seeking to get out and "get back with God."  For the younger generation, the surprise marriage of Selena Gomez and the reconciliation of Justin and Hailey Bieber will result from the Lord opening their eyes and separating them from the wicked tentacles of those who had been manipulating them for their harm.  These events will serve as signs for that younger generation that it is time to grow up and take hold of the deeper things in life and faith in God is a major part of that realization.  

For the older generation (60+), there will be a surprise passing of some icons in Hollywood that will serve as a sign for that generation they, too, need to grow up and embrace the deeper things in life and to return to God before it is too late.  In a nutshell, there will be a sifting of the celebrities and a separation--those who will return to faith in God will be strengthened and given a more public platform, and those who will continue to live for the enemy will have great difficulties and begin to wither away noticeably.  I also expect a greater return to "traditional" TV programming with the arrival of more "Christian" shows and with wholesome content becoming more trendy.  In my spirit I also discern "Christian comedy;" may be a person/character or TV show, I'm not sure.  

Lastly, I discern a sifting coming to the Big Tech industry as well, as the ranks and file must pass under the hand of the Lord for inspection.  There will be a removal of the truly corrupt like a cyst being incised and the overt recruitment of those who would have a heart for integrity and godly values.  I see a vision of some Big Tech companies leaving California and going overseas to India and elsewhere and an influx from Japan and South Korea coming to the States, lessening the influence of Chinese-oriented companies.  Lastly, I would expect to see a stepping down or retirement of one of the major Big Tech companies as they are simply tired of being there.  It's funny how the Lord can take away our joy for something and turn it to disgust or even loathing when it becomes an idol in our life.  

Well, that was a lot for today.  As always, I pray the Lord's perfect will be done on earth as it is in heaven, and may the Lord, who knows the end from the beginning, use our circumstances and trials to open the eyes of our heart to see Him and seek Him diligently as He moves to fill in the gaps of our faith perfectly for our growth in Him.  Amen and amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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