Game Changers Are Up to Bat

Greetings in the Lord!

I just returned from a 5-day trip to the LA area.  The focus was to re-visit the places and people I was sent to minister to 5 years ago.  At that time the Lord had given me the word to go to Hollywood and declare, '"I'm going to shake this place," says the Lord.'  The Scripture verse was from the book of Jonah 1:2, "Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before Me."

So, I gave His words to individuals as well as very prominent ministries out there, all the way from Malibu, Chatsworth and North Hollywood, down to Garden Grove, Costa Mesa and Aliso Viejo.  The Lord also gave me a vision of the fires that would take place about 40 days later in Southern California that began this season of judgment.  It was a time of great distress for many in the LA area, especially for the ones I was sent to.  Troubles beyond the fires included IRS audits and bankruptcies, public divorces and family conflicts, personal struggles and life-threatening illnesses.  The Lord was shaking all that could be shaken in His people to break them free of the spiritual arrogance and apathy that had set in unknowingly in their lives.  And let me tell you, it may take some time, but be certain of this, the Lord has blessings in store for those who go through the fire and allow themselves to come out more purified.  Trials can either break you or bless you, depending on your attitude with God. 

Well, this time when the Lord told me to go back out to the Hollywood/LA area, I asked the Lord, "What will I see?"  I was asking about one minister in particular, as his global ministry and his private life had been greatly affected over the past 5 years.  The Lord simply said, "He's a changed man."  Wow--praise God for that!  It doesn't have to happen that way, you know.  Sometimes the purifying process can't remove all of the impurities because of our stubbornness...and that's a precarious position to be in, spiritually speaking.  Stubborn hearts are wicked hearts in His eyes...

And that is where I want to begin today's word.  I discern that this word is specifically for those "calling the shots" in Hollywood.  They are the ones who have remained steadfast in reviling God, who have still "prospered" in the turbulence of the past 5 years, and who believe in their hearts that they are above reproach and boast arrogantly of their evil desires and wicked business practices.  They continue to prey upon unsuspecting hopefuls and plot their destruction for profit and personal gratification--because it is in their power to do so. 
The Lord hears the cries of your victims and declares, "No more!" 

"But You, O God, do see trouble and grief; You consider it to take it in hand.  The victim commits himself to You; You are the helper of the fatherless.  Break the arm of the wicked and evil man; call him to account for his wickedness that would not be found out."

"The Lord is King forever and ever; the nations (peoples against God) will perish from His land.  You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted; You encourage them, and You listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed, in order that man, who is of the earth, may terrify no more."  Psalm 10:14-18.

Watch and see how this word plays out in the coming months.  I fully expect to see some big name directors, producers, talent agencies, and the like be exposed for their predatory practices, while their victims will garner their strength in the Lord.  The Lord will give them the courage and platform to speak out and expose their wickedness, and ultimately usher in some major changes in how Hollywood does business.
~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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