Shekinah Glory Comes

Greetings in the Lord!

There are a couple of passages of Scripture that every time I receive them from the Lord as a prophetic word, I am just a wee bit at a loss for understanding.  Oh sure, I get the words written there and usually the context and storyline.  But that's not how I go about sharing prophetic words.  It is not an academic study or a Biblical and historical commentary that I am sharing.  Rather, it is revelatory teaching, or Holy Spirit led enlightenment of the Word of God as He applies it to whatever issue, event, or circumstance He wants to discuss.  Therefore, I tend not to write on those passages that I don't have a comfortable level of discernment about; I feel that is just isn't wise to do so.

Having said that, today I am sharing one of those passages that has long eluded a 'comfortable level of discernment' for me...until today.  It is from Exodus 13, the passage about Israel being required to consecrate every firstborn son and animal to the Lord as a token of gratitude for His divine mercy.  God spared their sons and animals while the 10th plague wiped out all the rest of Egyptian firstborn sons and animals.  In combination with that, in Exodus 13 also says Israel was to have a yearly commemoration of their deliverance from Egypt by the hand of God.  It was to be a devout remembrance and celebration thanking God for their freedom and nationhood.  Future sons would ask, "Why do we celebrate this?" and the parents were to tell the story again and again so they would always remember the goodness of what God did for them onto future generations.  In fact, "This observance will be for you like a sign on your hand and a reminder on your forehead that the law of the Lord is to be on your lips.  For the Lord brought you out of Egypt with His mighty hand.  You must keep this ordinance at the appointed time year after year."  Exodus 13:9

It's interesting that their deliverance and journey into the desert would happen in the month of Abib, meaning, "green ears" or "young heads of grain," as it coincided with spring, a time of fresh growth and new life.  This month was prescribed as the first month of their religious calendar year at that time, too. (Exodus 12:2).  So we can understand that in every way Israel was to see and remember their deliverance from Egypt and thrust into being a free nation as a new beginning with God; a divine act of mercy for the glory of God and salvation of His people.  At the end of the chapter we read that God even gave His visible Presence, His Shekinah glory to lead His people onwards in their journey to the Promised Land.  Praise God for love and mercy and faithfulness in all the earth!

So our word for today, even as the Passover holiday is just around the corner, begin to thank God for His divine mercy and deliverance in our own lives from those things that have kept us in bondage, whether they be spiritual, emotional, or physical--past or present.  Prophetically, too, we should begin to thank Him for the fresh start and new season that is coming and taking shape even though we can't see it yet.  We are to take hold of the new things that God is bringing our way and let the shackles drop of our past struggles.   

Also, begin to thank God for the "green ears" that are growing all around us.  Seeds have taken root and are showing above ground!  Just as David "prospered" and had 6 sons in Hebron during his days of conflict with Saul, so too, God has caused us to grow and prosper and multiply even during our trials and oppression of the last season.  Praise God who sustains and strengthens us!  We are victorious in Christ, and Christ alone.  Though we have felt we could not go on another day, God's strong arm has defeated our enemies and we can peacefully follow His glory cloud trusting in Him.  The Lord is transitioning us for onward and upward movement.  Let's follow the cloud!

Let us always remember and celebrate the goodness of God and His mercy in our lives.  We must trust Him that even though He allows us to go through trials and storms, even severe testing, He has a day of deliverance and rebuilding already set on the calendar for us.  Our Redeemer lives!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.



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