Word for South Africa

Greetings in the Lord! 

It's been another long time since my last post--sorry about that!  This time I've been down in Cape Town, South Africa seeing what God is up to down there...amazing things!  First off, I just have to tell all of you that the whole Cape area is absolutely beautiful!  If you ever have the chance to go there let it be on your list of to-do's.  You can see God's handiwork everywhere--in the vibrant sea waters, the majestic rugged mountains, in the lush wine lands, and on the smiling faces of the new generation of people gracing the landscape.  Even the varied wildlife and marine animals found all around reflect His goodness and provision.  Praise God!

But of course the most encouraging thing I saw was a maturing and Spirit-filled new generation of people.  Its been nearly 20 years since the end of apartheid and this new generation does not carry the scars of the former pains and oppression.  Oh, there still is poverty and differences among the different people groups, but there is a freshness and vigor for a better life for all that seems to radiate from this new generation.  And there are maturing churches moving powerfully in His Spirit.

In one such church I noticed nearly the whole congregation was young adults, university up through the thirties.  It struck me how unusual that sight is--many congregations in the United States are missing that age group as they are too wrapped up in their own activities to bother with church.  But not so in the congregations I visited in Cape Town.  There was one church that felt the call to focus on "Discipleship."  As the preacher gave yet another message on growing in Christ, I had a vision of Jesus.  I was near to Him, stroking His face and resting my head on His shoulder.  The white linen tunic He wore was soft as His caress, and He looked at me with gentle eyes.  It was an amazing closeness I hadn't felt in a while.  His Spirit was definitely in that place, teaching them firsthand about being a disciple of Christ, pouring His love into them. 

"Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority on heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'"  Matthew 28:18-20

Yes, indeed, the Lord Himself is equipping a new generation of South Africans to go out over the earth and make disciples of all nations.  Praise God!  The the Lord is putting a thirst for truth in their spirits and compassion in their hearts for all people.  And just as the Spirit showed me a vision of a seagull flying over the coastline and seas, these people will be sent to the far reaches of the earth to share His love.  In the natural, they may say, "Oh, my job is taking me there" or "I can only find work there," but really the hand of God is leading them out to just the right place to share His love.  Yes, I'll say it again, His love for all people!  If there is one thing their past hurts and oppression have taught them is that all people are valued; all people have the right to live and love and laugh.  Praise God who has turned their tears of sorrow into shouts of joy!  Amen and amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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