
God's Eye Balm to See Clearly

Greetings in the Lord! It seems there have been lots of words lately about nations and leaders.  I discern that for the truly corrupt ones, the Lord is putting a date on His calendar for their removal and for the setting free of their captives, the weak and the needy whom they should have been protecting.  I am fully expecting to see amazing things in this regard in the not so distant future.  While living in Syria, there was one verse and word that the Lord had me share with a teammate of mine.  She was a Muslim, but the Lord had gifted her with wisdom and discernment of dreams and visions.  I told her about the vision I had of a great fire from heaven coming down to completely destroy the land of Syria.  She actually discerned the current trouble for Syria before I had fully understood the vision!  But the word to her was also very important.  It came from Matthew 6:22-23: "The eye is the lamp of the body.  If your eyes are...

Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear

Greetings in the Lord! It's amazing to see how many riots and violent protests are happening all around the world right now.  In Venezuela, Ukraine, Thailand, even in France--over the potential building of an airport, of all things.  And as I was reading about these and other events, I also was curious to compare what various news outlets had to say about the happenings.  Most news sources give the same major details, but usually from slightly different viewpoints with varying degrees of elaboration.  However, there are a growing number of conspiracy theorists out there.  They never fail to offer really "interesting" twists and bits of information, but it always seems like I'm entering a fog when I hear what they have to say.  It makes me nervous (fearful) in my spirit, really, and so I naturally will back away and hear what the Lord has to say about them and all the major news events going on these days.  H...

Separate the Remnant from Babylon

Greetings in the Lord! It's been awhile since I've gotten these words from Scripture...from 2005-2007 or so, give or take.  They are from Isaiah 46-47 and Jeremiah 51.  If anyone has ever read these passages they will recall that both prophets are decreeing the destruction of Babylon and her idols, and calling for Israel to separate herself from those people's ways to avoid partaking in their coming disaster.  At that time, the Lord was having me preach and teach from those Scriptures that major trouble (read--His correction) was on the horizon for the United States.  Over the course of those years I gave prophetic words about the coming storms that would hit the US: hurricane Katrina and other natural disasters, the financial crisis, the coming election of ungodly leadership to lead us astray, and the rise of our enemies against us.  While those were deemed the most newsworthy items, the most important words w...

Have Reverence for the Lord, for He is Holy

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word comes from 2 Samuel 6 and Daniel 5.  Both stories are a reminder for us to have reverence for the Lord Almighty.  For though God is patient and merciful, He is also Sovereign over all and is to be revered and honored.  The Lord plays no favorites either--His judgments can break out against believers and non-believers alike, as the passages will show.  The stories go like this. First, in Samuel 6 we read about King David wanting to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem.  He loaded it onto a cart like the Philistines had it, and began to make their way to Jerusalem.  Well, he was wrong already.  The Lord had prescribed how the Ark was to be moved, on the shoulders of Levites--not on some cart pulled by oxen.  Well, when the oxen stumbled, the Ark slid and a man familiar with the Ark (it had been kept in his family's tent) reached out to steady it.  His touch was forbidden by...

My Enemies Turn Back at the Report of the Lord

Greetings in the Lord! We have much to thank God for today--3 words of deliverance!  The first comes from Isaiah 37--a passage about Jerusalem being surrounded by the Assyrian army.  At that time the Assyrians were on a successful violent conquest, overtaking the lands around them in their fierce and cruel manner.  As they encamped around Jerusalem, the Assyrian messenger came to boast of their campaign, taunting and ridiculing the Israelites and telling them not to trust in their God, but to give up easily. King Hezekiah sought the counsel of the Lord through Isaiah the prophet, and the word was given. Isaiah said to them, "...This is what the Lord says: Do not be afraid of what you have heard---those words with which the underlings of the king of Assyria have blasphemed Me.  Listen!  I am going to put a spirit in him so that when he hears a certain report, he will return to his own country, and there I will have him cut down with the sword."...

A White Witch is Still a Witch

Greetings in the Lord! This morning I awoke from a dream that I discern is a warning dream.  It went like this. A woman who looked like Margret Thatcher arrived in a large city that seemed to be Moscow.  Her straw-like blond hair shown brightly in contrast to the dim, wintry afternoon.  Though it was perfectly coiffed, it gave hint of her mean, deceptive, inner thoughts.  Her stylish grey-white trench coat emanated importance and a strong, foul presence.  The planner of trouble and death had arrived.  She rejoiced at all the regal, red brick buildings that surrounded her, as they seemed to confirm her will to dominate, her assumed nobility and right to power and status.  With a big, smug smile she inhaled deeply the unfriendly, freezing air.  "I like it here," she said with a seductive drawl to her male assistants who were wearing all black.  "That's ...

The Hills Bow at the Mountain of the Lord

Greetings in the Lord! I remember getting today's Scriptures (Micah 2-3) quite a bit when I lived in Aleppo, Syria.  And, unfortunately, even at the time that I lived there (2003-'04), I heard firsthand accounts from several people who were suffering from the injustices I was reading about....I can only imagine how corrupt things are today! Woe to those who plot iniquity, to those who plot evil on their beds!  At morning's light they carry it out because it is in their power to do it.  They covet fields and seize them, and houses, and take them.  They defraud a man of his home, a fellowman of his inheritance. Therefore, the Lord says: "I am planning disaster against this people, from which you cannot save yourselves.  You will no longer walk proudly, for it will be a time of calamity.  In that day men will ridicule you; they will taunt you with this mournful song: 'We are utterly ruined; my people's possession is divided up.  He takes it fr...

Central African Republic--Give Us Strength to Be a Blessing

Greetings in the Lord! I am reminded that it was one year ago while returning from South Africa that I had a dream of a corrupt military man losing power and a woman took his place.  I found out yesterday that at the time of my dream, it was a reality happening in the country of Central African Republic!  They were swearing in their new female president, Catherine Samba-Panza.  She is a Christian leader, with the tall task of stopping religious violence between the Christians and Muslims in her country.  Today's word is for her and for the Christian community there, and for any other Christian who is blessed to go through trials for His namesake.  "Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good?  But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed.  Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened.  But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone...

Fear Not, for I AM with You

Greetings in the Lord! You know those stories we sometimes hear about how the interviewee was in a terrible situation and calling out to God and they were saved at the last moment?  Maybe someone passed by at just the right time and heard their cries for help, or the rescue team came upon them right before they would have died and gave them the help they needed?  Those saved almost always give thanks to God publicly.  Probably because only they know how urgently they were calling to God for help before the help miraculously arrived on the scene.  And, as we know, it wasn't their desperation that got God's attention, but the fact that they had put their faith in Him to deliver them.  Just like in the middle of a playground where kids are laughing and screaming and making all kinds of noise, a mother can recognize her child's cries immediately and runs to see what's the matter....

Believe in the One He has Sent

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word is a short bit coming from the book of John, chapter 6.  After the people saw the miraculous sign Jesus did, they began to say, "Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world."  John 6:14 The Israelites were waiting for a special prophet, a savior, someone who would overthrow the powers that be in their day and return all of Israel to their autonomous state as in the days of David.  A kind of Moses, if you will, only more powerful.  Well, they were mistaken to that end.  They had already overlooked the "greatest prophet", John the Baptist, and did not recognize who Jesus was either.  So Jesus clearly explained to the crowd later on that he was the Son of God, the bread--manna--of life.  Their forefathers had eaten manna in the desert, manna provided by God, and now, they should also eat of the "living" manna, Jesus the Christ.  It was a hard concept for them to...

Stepping Out to Walk on Waves

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word is one of encouragement for those the Lord is calling to 'step out of the boat' this year and begin a teaching, preaching, or healing type of ministry.  The word came in a dream, then was accompanied by Psalms 11 & 17. In the first part of the dream I saw a person talking to a small group of mostly children and their parents in a church sanctuary.  It was an informal "healing service" at a church that was just opening up to the idea of that kind of service.  Equally as green was the speaker, who had been called by God to go out and preach and heal, but up to that point hadn't publicly done so.  As the speaker's voice trembled from nerves and stumbled over words on occasion, the parents in the crowd became critical and unbelieving and started to talk amongst themselves.  Their arrogance was revealed as they thought the meeting was a bunch of hooey coming from some flake who couldn't even speak right.  ...

Angels to Protect Us

Greetings in the Lord! Last month I had a dream regarding the trouble being plotted surrounding the Olympics in Sochi, and of the antagonistic/hostile attitudes found within that region, in general.  Well, I want to share another dream I had from last night that I believe also relates to that situation. In my dream I saw a woman fleeing a complex of large grey buildings, kind of like a campus, where many people were gathered.  She was trying to escape the authorities who were looking for her there.  Getting into a small black rental car, she began to drive around the exiting roads of the secured campus and had to stop at a security check point.  Armed guards were searching the exiting cars thoroughly looking for her and she panicked, deciding to drive out of the campus the wrong way on the empty "Enter" roads.  Soon she realized that that wasn't going to work, so she abandoned the car hastily in the "I-R" lot.  Running fro...

Houseguests No More, In Jesus' Name

Greetings in the Lord! Today's word is actually several Scriptures from the book of Proverbs, my favorite book in the Bible.  As you may know, Proverbs is a collection of short bits of wisdom, and lends itself very nicely for us practical and pragmatic types.  For those who say, "The Bible is confusing," they could start to read there.  The Scriptures are short and sweet, and for the most part, plain to understand. Now, having said all that, I would just like to add that many Proverbs are a lot more literal than we can understand, too.  Take, for example, today's starting verse: Proverbs 21:16) A man who strays from the path of understanding comes to rest in the company of the dead. What 'dead'? you ask.  Do we find people hanging out with zombies?  Well, kind of.  They are hanging out with spiritually dead people, to be sure, but more often than not, it refers to unclean spirits.  So, we can understand that b...

Sheltered by the Love of Jesus

Greetings in the Lord! Well, as I begin the new week, I am listening to the wind blow fiercely through the mountains yet again.  The news says it may reach speeds of up to 70 miles per hour, and I believe it, as I see the waving of the tall Ponderosa pines through my windows.  But to me, the winds also represent the swift moving of the Holy Spirit  these days; the powerful presence of the Lord among us, clearing away the old and ushering in the new.  Of course, sometimes the wind storm makes quite a mess, as we saw with the devastating tornadoes this fall.  The wreckage eventually gets cleaned up though, and rebuilding happens.  Such is the time we are in....a tearing down, uprooting, and finally, replanting.  But turbulent times can be unnerving, however.  It is with that in mind that the Lord gives us today's word from 2 Samuel 3:1) " The war between the house of Saul and the house of David lasted a long time. ...

The Scoffer

Greetings in the Lord! For the past couple of days I've been getting Scriptures regarding "scoffers."  In spiritual terms, these would be people who are arrogant unbelievers, mockers to the point that they disdain putting any faith in God.  It is a seriously toxic spiritual condition, both for the scoffer and for the people around them.  The arrogant, mocking and doubt of the scoffer can be an effective bully tactic to try and quiet the voice of the faithful, overwhelm those weaker or newer in their faith, and recruit unsuspecting or like-hearted individuals to join along.  Scoffing is also aggressive in that it reveals their intolerance by immediately trying to discredit; only disagreements or conflicts will result when addressing a scoffer.  In 2 Peter 3:3 we read that "scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires."  So, we can understand then, that in addition to being arrogant, aggressiv...

God's Radiant Beams of Salvation

Greetings in the Lord! Today while praying I saw a vision of a person standing on a snowy, blowy mountain top.  And even though the cold wind blew against them at the peak and they stood knee-deep in snow, they were happy and comforted to finally be above the crest of the mountain top, out of the mountain's shadowy side to feel the sun's warming light on their face.  It was a kiss on the cheek from God.  A sign that everything would end up being OK after all. It's kind of like that in life, too.  As we climb up to the "Rock that is higher than us", we are met with stronger winds and cooler temperatures quite often, not at all like the foothills of the "Sound of Music."  Still, it's safer to live in the high perches of righteous living then in the low coastal regions on beaches of debauchery, so to speak.  But no matter where you are in your spiritual journey, when you are fatigued and weary you are vulnerable and...

Winds Begin to Blow in the Desert

Greetings in the Lord! Yesterday I came across a news headline from Colorado that caught my attention for a couple of reasons.  Firstly, having lived in Riyadh for two years, I like to stay current with news events related to Saudi Arabia.  Secondly, this news story was peculiar, in that, most news outlets had only one sentence about it, and of the one that had more (Denver Post), it did not contain all the important facts of the story, namely, that this Saudi man was convicted of holding his house maid as a sex slave for 4 years while living in the US.  Here's a link to the article:    I'm not sure why many American news outlets gloss over details or omit stories altogether when it relates to Muslims.  Of course, my main guess is censorship, as I've lived in several countries where there is no freedom of the press and our presses quite of...

Angels in Cable Cars

Greetings in the Lord! In light of the recent explosions to take place in Russia, I want to share a quick dream and prayer for the Winter Olympics that will be held in Sochi in February.  Last night in my dream, I was riding in a small glass cable car in a mountainous area.  It was a pretty way to transport around the sites, as it was more of a network of cable lines connecting venues rather than a particular single line.  All of the sudden there was a problem on the cable system and I had to jump off!  Luckily, my cable car was not so high above a small lake, so I jumped out of it and swam to safety.  However, as I walked through the store-lined, narrow streets, I saw lots of vendors displaying dying starfish, not real starfish, but fish shaped like stars!  I felt bad because they were suffocating from being out of the water and was mad that the vendors wouldn't put them in water to help them.  My unde...

Pursue Godliness in the Holy Spirit

Greetings in the Lord! Well, since Friday I've been pondering in my heart about the latest school shooting to happen in Colorado.  It does not surprise me that it happened 8 miles from Columbine High school, or about 10 miles from Aurora.  It does not surprise me that it happened at all, actually, as I've told my father three times in the past 6 weeks that I've had visions of a shooter entering in a school and a workout facility wanting to shoot people.  Those visions also reminded me of the time I lived in northern Michigan.  At that time at my workplace there was a fellow that just so happened to be a Wiccan.  He also had an evil spirit harassing him terribly, which he only admitted to me after I confronted him about it.  You see, I worked the night shift and followed this guy on duty and could often feel that nasty spirit around the workplace lingering, even after the guy left the building.   "Y...

Fallen Rock Stars

Greetings in the Lord! I'm a Generation X-er, which basically means I grew up with what is now called "Classic Rock." I remember when John Bonham of Led Zeppelin died, and of the whole occult heyday prevalent in rock music at that time, and afterwards.  I remember my brother saying, "Let's play this record backwards and see if we can hear messages," and we'd spin it around counter-clockwise to hear weird, unintelligible noise.  I recall leafing through the guitar and heavy metal magazines that my brother got and crinkling my nose at all the dark, occult images that many bands used to promote themselves.  He would tell me of all the bands that worshipped Satan publicly, onstage at times, and of how they lived their lives offstage--drinking, drugging, orgies and the like, usually rounded out the picture.  It never appealed to me, but I used to wonder, "Why would they follow the devil?  That is asking for trouble."  It nev...