Angels in Cable Cars

Greetings in the Lord!

In light of the recent explosions to take place in Russia, I want to share a quick dream and prayer for the Winter Olympics that will be held in Sochi in February.  Last night in my dream, I was riding in a small glass cable car in a mountainous area.  It was a pretty way to transport around the sites, as it was more of a network of cable lines connecting venues rather than a particular single line.  All of the sudden there was a problem on the cable system and I had to jump off!  Luckily, my cable car was not so high above a small lake, so I jumped out of it and swam to safety.  However, as I walked through the store-lined, narrow streets, I saw lots of vendors displaying dying starfish, not real starfish, but fish shaped like stars!  I felt bad because they were suffocating from being out of the water and was mad that the vendors wouldn't put them in water to help them. 

My understanding of the dream is that "soft" targets like the cable system in Sochi are being eyed as tempting "trouble" opportunities for people who want to disrupt the Winter Olympics.  I pray that the Lord will expose every plot and scheme being planned against the whole transportation system in Sochi and protect those who will be attending and riding public transportation.  I also discern that there is a lot of animosity within the region against Russians in general (they are the star-shaped fish in the dream), and that local people are happy to profit from the games, but really don't care about the safety of the Russian and non-Muslim tourists that will be attending the games.  It reminds me of the neighborhood in Kenya.  All the hatred in people's hearts in the region made the area susceptible to targeted violence and conflict from religious fanaticism.

So, in the name of Jesus I pray that God's hand be with the security officials working in Sochi to make the games a safe place for everyone; that every plot of violence will be exposed and come to nothing at all; and that the Lord will guide and protect His people all throughout 2014. 

~Be blessed and be a blessing.   


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