Pursue Godliness in the Holy Spirit

Greetings in the Lord!

Well, since Friday I've been pondering in my heart about the latest school shooting to happen in Colorado.  It does not surprise me that it happened 8 miles from Columbine High school, or about 10 miles from Aurora.  It does not surprise me that it happened at all, actually, as I've told my father three times in the past 6 weeks that I've had visions of a shooter entering in a school and a workout facility wanting to shoot people.  Those visions also reminded me of the time I lived in northern Michigan.  At that time at my workplace there was a fellow that just so happened to be a Wiccan.  He also had an evil spirit harassing him terribly, which he only admitted to me after I confronted him about it.  You see, I worked the night shift and followed this guy on duty and could often feel that nasty spirit around the workplace lingering, even after the guy left the building.

  "Yeah, I got back into Wicca.  But it's no big deal," he said.  "Really?  You are a mess!  You've been sick for weeks, can't sleep, I mean, look at you!  And that spirit around you is pure evil!" I said pointedly.  Well, after some incidents he got fired, but things were still eerie there.  Then, for the three nights before Halloween I had a vision each night of him coming to our workplace, ringing the door bell and shooting me when I opened the door.  Needless to say, I was sure to keep the door securely locked!  However, in real life, on the third night a woman went to a house two blocks away from my workplace, rang the doorbell, and shot the lady who answered the door and her two children.  There was no quarrel and no words; they didn't even know each other.  Coincidentally, my co-worker lived across the street.  I believe to this day that he was spared being tempted to commit this crime and the evil spirit prompted that woman to do it instead.  God's supernatural grace is amazing and hard to understand at times.  Why her instead of him?  Was it because he used to be very active in his church?  God alone knows. 

However, that evil spirit acted again in that same northern Michigan town about three years later.  No one would have guessed any connection with the prior shooting, as it was just as "random" as the first--a young man for no reason shot a youth swimming in the river.  However, I knew the connection.  The youth that was shot was the son of another one of my co-workers from that same workplace.  It was a charity organization that helped people for a living and shared the gospel with our clients. 

Well, fast forward to 2013.  After the Arapahoe school shooting I prayed to the Lord and asked Him, "Can't we just pray to have that spirit bound and cast out of our region (in Colorado)?"  The Lord said, "Yes, but there are too many like-hearted people there for it to take refuge in."  The Holy Spirit went on to talk about how nowadays we raise "good kids" but not "godly kids."  These kids, and their unbelieving or backslidden parents, are vulnerable to the co-habitation of these violent spirits.  And they enter people's minds through all sorts of avenues: video games, sorcery and witchcraft books, drugs, sexual sins, and any other reading material or entertainment that has a like-heart attitude as the evil spirit.  When I teach on the dangers of these things people always poo-poo me, but if you're a Christian, you don't need to take my word for it--just read His Word.  That's why He gave it to us.  So we would read it and obey.

In Amos 1-2 we read about God's judgments being pronounced against Israel's neighbors for breaking the basic laws of humanity.  However, in chapter two we read that God also pronounces judgment against Israel and Judah, but for different reasons--they break His revealed Word, His covenants with them.  Both Israel and Judah have been led astray by false gods and have not kept His decrees.  Likewise, many people in America, even though they may have grown up in the Church and are familiar with the Word of God, are following false gods and vulnerable to evil spirits.  It's beyond time that parents take an inventory of what spirits they are allowing into their homes through the books, movies, video games, and everything else our modern world is inundated with, along with how they are living their lives personally, and see, could this open a door for a like-hearted spirit to enter?  Just know that if it is against God's word and contrary to the Holy Spirit, the spirit that enters in with it is also not going to do God's bidding.  Let's be people of faith and obedience this 2014.

~Be blessed and be a blessing. 


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