The People of the Land Rise Up

Greetings in the Lord~

This week I came across a national news article reporting on the result and aftermath of the November vote from a small town in Michigan.  In fact, this particular article didn't even give the name of the city it is so small, just the township name.  However, since it is my childhood hometown, I recognized it immediately!  

Now, the article showed a picture of a guy changing the locks of a public building, town hall to be exact, and the headline said it all: "Small Michigan Town Votes Off All Members of Town Council and Changes Locks on Town Hall!"  Ha ha ha--they voted them off because each of them had been supporting a $2.4B Chinese project to be built in the small city which would be an environmental disaster and security risk.  SO, why would they be supporting something the majority of the town is against, you ask?  Bribe money.  It is a fact that some of the town council members had been offered huge amounts of money (in the millions) to sell their land to the Gotion project and put their support behind them in the local council.  

However, this project goes much higher up the food chain, as it came from the desk of Governor Whitmer, ultimately, and it is reported that she has threatened all of Michigan's environmental agencies to not get involved in her projects lest they not receive state funding next year.  Yeesh, talk about corrupt.  You see, the area they want to build this Chinese battery factory in is a large wetland area, and one of the state's major rivers runs through it as well.  And since everyone in the world knows the Chinese's history on polluting the environment, the local people are certain the chemicals used in this battery factory will destroy and pollute the local land and even extend to the water systems in the state.  To think otherwise is ridiculous.  But I'll add even more backstory.

In September, I went home to this small town to visit friends and family and immediately a prayer warrior got me up to speed on the situation.  We drove around the area and met with other townspeople who were very much against the project, then we began to add our prayers to the assembling resistance to this project.  Lo and behold, over the course of the next two months many miracles had taken place and many prayers were answered!  That leads us to today's prophetic word coming from the small but impactful book of Obadiah. 

We have heard a message from the Lord that an ambassador was sent to the nations to say, "Get ready everyone!  Let's assemble our armies and attack Edom!"  

The Lord says to Edom, "I will cut you down to size among the nations, you will be greatly despised.  You have been deceived by your own pride because you live in a rock fortress and make your home high in the mountains.  'Who can ever reach us way up here?' you ask boastfully.  But even if you soar as high as eagles and build your nest among the stars, I will bring you crashing down," says the Lord.

"All your allies will turn against you.  They will help to chase you from your land.  They will promise you peace while plotting to deceive and destroy you.  Your trusted friends will set traps for you, and you won't even know about it.  At that time not a single wise person will be left in the whole land of Edom," says the Lord.  Obadiah 3-4, 7-8.

The rest of the passage goes on to talk about why the Lord is bringing ruin to Edom: not only did they not help their brothers, but they celebrated and profited from their misfortune and captivity.  While their own brothers were oppressed, these smug leaders refused to help, and even sold them to their captives.  Edom in this story represents those in leadership positions in our country (U.S.) that have left the ways of God and serve their own god--themselves!  They choose greed and self-exaltation over taking care of the people they govern.  But the Lord has made the decree--"Assemble all you people, into groups of resistance!"  

It is now the season when small groups all over this nation will assemble to voice their opposition to the corruption that is taking advantage of them.  In every sector of society--education, politics, business, real estate, and so on, I fully expect to see and hear the people of the land assembling their own small grassroot armies to push back and ultimately defeat the oppressive corruption in leadership that has been washing over the land, wave after wave.  Just as this small town used their votes and petitioned righteous representation in leadership--for there are some--they were able to push back against the locals who had taken the bribes and sold them out.  In fact, I discern that they will eventually vote out of office those at the state level who are rife with corruption as well.  These leaders are detestable, and as this prophetic message tells us today--even their own friends and allies will betray them!  Those that sold out the people they were supposed to take care of will be thrown out of office and trampled on, even by their own allies!  That will certainly be a great day of rejoicing!

So, as usual I pray, Lord, let Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven; let shouts of praise be heard in the land when You move to throw down those in leadership who stole from the people and oppressed them to profit themselves. Lord, we trust in Your wisdom and ask for the guidance and strength to fully accomplish all things according to Your will.  Amen.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.     


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