A Curve Ball Coming Up

 Greetings in the Lord~

Over the course of the past three weeks, I have gotten the same word 3 times, each from a different place in Scripture.  Now, I know that 3 is an attention-getting number, so I will share this prophetic word today as it comes from Isaiah 30-31.

"What sorrow awaits My rebellious children," says the Lord.  "You make plans that are contrary to Mine.  You make alliances not directed by My Spirit, thus piling up your sins.  For without consulting Me, you have gone down to Egypt for help.  You have put your trust in Pharaoh's protection. you have tried to hide in his shade.  But by trusting Pharaoh, you will be humiliated, and by depending on him, you will be disgraced. For though his power extends to Zoan and his officials have arrived in Hanes, all who trust in him will be ashamed.  He will not help you.  Instead, he will disgrace you.  The caravan moves slowly across the terrible desert to Egypt--donkeys weighed down with riches and camels loaded with treasures--all to pay for Egypt's protection....All this, and Egypt will give you nothing in return.  Egypt's promises are worthless!  Therefore I call her Rahab--the Harmless Dragon."  Isaiah 30:1-7

The chapters go on to say that Israel needs to turn to God and trust in Him to be saved, because if they continue to reject His laws and pursue their own ways and make evil and useless alliances, they will be chased down by their enemies and have even more trouble.  Along this note, I have been led to read Psalm 83 a couple of times, and that has to do with multiple enemies of Israel banning together to come against them to try and take away their land inheritance.  The Lord desires to rescue and revive Israel, to teach them anew His ways, if only they would listen and obey and put their faith in Him alone--not human armies or gold or silver or idols.  

However, the prophet seems pretty sure that Israel will remain rebellious and will incur disaster as a result.  But just when it seems bleak for Israel, God promises to scatter their attacking enemies and send them out.  The Lord promises to rescue Israel by His sword, and strike down their enemies with His royal scepter.  So today, it seems as if the war in Israel will continue down a curvy and scary road for a bit as the Lord draws their hearts back to Him through adversity.  

So I pray, Lord let Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven; thank you for caring so much about Your people that You will go to great circumstances to get their attention and draw their hearts back to You; we thank You in advance for the working of Your great power and wisdom in Israel, "And the Lord will make His majestic voice heard.  He will display the strength of His mighty arm....And as the Lord strikes them with His rod of punishment, His people will celebrate with tambourines and harps." Isaiah 30:30, 32.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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