Sing Songs of Praise for Deliverance

Greetings in the Lord~

Today's word is based on a recent intense dream I had, one that came with an accompanying scripture passage to help give the depth and seriousness of the dream.  It went like this.

A female musician/entertainer was attending an industry dinner out in either LA or NYC, that was put on by a major elite in the business.  She was enjoying the evening of networking and socializing, but realized that though she was popular enough to get invited, that she was still just one of many trying to move up in the business.  

At her table were various industry people, not all actors or musicians, but some were assistants and behind the scenes people as well.  In the middle of the table on display were small ornate gifts which everyone curiously noticed, but didn't talk about.  Finally, towards the end of the dinner, the female musician/entertainer took the initiative to hand them out to each person at the table, thinking the gifts were like the small identical gifts given to each attendee at weddings and such.  However, as each person unwrapped their gift they realized that not all of the gifts were the same.  In fact, some people had gotten very expensive gifts like keys to homes and cars, and others had gotten pretty cheap "white elephant" gifts that seemed like it was meant to be an insult.  Alarmed looks covered the faces of those at her table.  

"You should not have given those out," one woman whispered.  "Those were supposed to be handed out by the guy putting on this dinner.  Not only were those assigned to certain people, but you denied him the opportunity to see people's reactions to their gifts."  It was understood by all that these "gifts" were more of a reward system by the elite who sponsored the dinner--who was a kind of overlord as such.  He wanted to promote those who did his bidding or punish and embarrass those who had displeased him the past year.  Everyone started to panic.

"Well, there's one gift left, the nicest one; take this and give it to him and beg for his forgiveness, maybe he won't be so mad," the female musician/entertainer said to another woman at the table.  She agreed and scurried off to his table in the corner.  A man dressed in a black suit and tinted black glasses (Clive Davis type, but I could not see color of skin) was watching the commotion.  As she approached him, he sat there stiffly, ominously silent.  Flustered, she stuttered apologies and extended the gift to him and after a LONG, cold stare, he took the gift in his hand and kissed it.  She ran back to their table.

"You have got to get out of here!" she exclaimed.  "He gave it the 'kiss of death'--get out of here now!"  Immediately, the female musician/entertainer ran out of the party and realizing that this man could hire anyone, even a cop or doctor or regular thug to take her out, she forego the waiting limo and took a public bus away from there, thinking  it would be safer to just blend into the crowd.  Alone on the bus she prayed to God and contemplated her situation, for she was pretty sure that this man would not leave her alone until he had gotten his revenge.  

After I woke up from this dramatic dream, the Holy Spirit put Psalm 63 on my heart, with verses 9-11 really jumping out to me:

They who seek my life will be destroyed.  They will go down to the depths of the earth and be given over to the sword and become food for jackals.  But the king will rejoice in God.  All who swear by God's name will praise Him, while the mouths of liars will be silenced. 

It is a passage I am well acquainted with over the years, and it confirms a couple of things.  First, someone in the music/entertainment industry is being targeted by a very powerful and evil person, and two, this dream/scripture verse is saying that God is going to intervene on their behalf to save that person, quite possibly by taking the evil person to the place where they belong.  It is a very serious scripture passage, as the "sword" mentioned is Satan's sword and the "jackals" are demons.  It is the reality of what awaits those who try in this lifetime to partner with demons--they will be consumed by them for eternity.  It is one thing for a naïve and greedy person to sell their soul for fame and fortune, but it is entirely another for a person to try and "steal" a person's soul through deceptive contracts and agreements, using  spiritual, mental and physical intimidation and violence, induced addictions, 'unliving' them, and so on.  I discern that in this coming 'sacrifice' season we may find the strong hand of God removing some of those evil elites in the music and entertainment industry that have been wreaking havoc for a long time, and that some of those who were picked for the slaughter will be spared by the hand of God.  

Thanks be to God who knows the end from the beginning and sees what is being planned in the darkness; His arm is not too short to pull from the depths those that have lost their way or those that have been ensnared deceitfully.  I pray that the Lord will strengthen those who have been saved to share their testimony of deliverance to help those who are still ensnared to come to Christ Jesus for their  salvation.  And may they sing songs of praise to Jesus Christ this coming Christmas season. 

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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