Isaiah 24-27--Lay Waste the Earth and Devastate It

 Greetings in the Lord,

Today's word is more of a 'dream in due season', so to speak.  About 20 years ago, sometime in the spring, I had a dream that has since left me a bit shook.  Profound dreams are like that--you grapple with, ponder and re-tell them from time to time quietly, trying to make sense of what you saw in the night vision, always carrying them in the back filing cabinet of your mind.  Just like the meaning of the word "oracle," it is a burden to carry the revelation through to its birth into the natural realm.  But I digress.

In the spring of 2003, I had many profound dreams for the United States, most of which were very easy to understand its meaning.  But this dream was different.  I was somewhere in the middle of the land and people from all over were gathering for what seemed to be a parade of sorts.  At first, it seemed like maybe it was a Mardi Gras parade, as everyone was wearing some sort of costume and acting very loud and rambunctious.  However, the closer I got to the line of people, I saw that these people were not normal.  Faces were distorted, bodies were maligned, and most of all--they were genderless, sexually perverse creatures, almost like I had entered a Rocky Horror Picture Show gathering on steroids!  In my spirit, I discerned that these were U.S. Americans--people who had an understanding of Jesus Christ and were indeed gathering together waiting for Him to return, dressed like this!  I couldn't grasp what I was seeing as the scene was so disturbing!  Was this the state of the Church in the United States?  Had sexual perversity overtaken the people of the land?  

I was so shocked by what I saw, that I yelled into the sky--"No, Lord!  Not now!  We're not ready!"  But the sky began to part and I felt like Jesus Christ was getting ready to come down anyway, and I was at a complete loss as to what to do, so I fell to the ground overwhelmed by emotion.  I woke up very perplexed and distraught.

I must admit, I've always struggled with the full understanding of what I saw.  Was it the second coming of Christ?  Was it His Presence coming to deliver judgments on the land?  Honestly, it could be more the former, especially given the world events that are happening right now--China and Russia partnering up, alliances with Iran and Saudi Arabia and others taking place.  It seems that many prophesied scenarios are falling neatly into the cosmic puzzle of the End Times.  

I do recall when I was in China this last time, the Holy Spirit said, "What you are seeing are prototypes of what will take place [in the End Times]," referring to the social credit system, data technology being used as global surveillance, digital currency, and the corrupt bio-genetic testing that was going on at my very university!  [Two months after I left there, a team of "scientists" carried out the first 2 gene-edited baby experiments--imagine, irreversibly changing the human genome, what fools!]  

But this prophetic word is specifically dealing with the gender confusion that is happening.  It's very concerning to see how all of our institutions are embracing this perversion of gender realities.  Universities, professional sports, businesses, and of course, this possessed Biden Administration, all seeking to change the laws of nature and legalities to conform to their perversions.  (Actually, I don't think all of these decision-makers believe what they are pushing, but rather, they have been bought off, but that is another story...or is it?)  Anyway, the reality is that we are watching before our very eyes what the prophets of old warned about--'calling evil good, and good evil.'  This is what that looks like. 

For me, I am personally angered but not surprised by the war on women's sports.  First off, I discerned we were going to have problems when most of the celebrated WNBA stars began promoting their lesbian marriages on their "platforms"--oh, the forsaking public platforms they cherish!  Then they embraced the hate ideology of BLM--which is no different than radical Islam or any other hate ideology out there.  So, it was bound to happen that the Lord would allow them to deal with the fruit of their misguided hateful beliefs and sexual perversions by allowing even more perverse men to compete in female sports for a time.  This judgment is laughably ironic.  Seriously, it's no secret, lesbianism has dominated the lives of many a female athlete for a long time, but for the most part they kept their private lives private and didn't try to influence the next generation with their rebellion, and frankly, many of them still had their religious beliefs intact.  But that is no longer.  

Now we have full-blown, deranged egomaniacs in women's sports heralding the addition of men in sports--while they themselves are retiring and will not compete against them--and a generation of female athletes now losing to biological men in competitions...and getting physically injured in the process as well.  It's dangerous to mix sexes in sports--women will get hurt, just like if you have these men competing in youth boys' leagues--where they belong if they want to win so bad.  This is why you have different weight classes in boxing and UFC among male competitors--it is plainly too dangerous to have a heavy weight beat on a fly weight.

Anyway, I do now very much understand that my dream was a sign of the serious season we are in--it is time to get things in order, spiritually and probably financially, in our households.  The events that are coming down the pike this into next year are no joke.  We are going to have some bad times indeed, much of it engineered and carried out by an evil global elite.  But make no mistake, God is still in control.  The Lord is allowing some of their mess to happen for His will and purposes, but only for a time.  For these are the times of Isaiah 24-27.  The righteous will be chastened but still sheltered by the Lord, while the wicked are laid low for their unrepentant ways and vile idolatries.

~Be blessed and be a blessing. 


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