Lord, Rise Up and Show Your Sovereignty

Greetings in the Lord~

Today in my prayer time, I received Psalm 83.  That psalm is like so many others, in that, the psalmist is crying out to the Lord for protection from their enemies.  However, this psalm is different in that it specifically talks about an evil alliance being made to come against God's people in a united front--a unanimous decision amongst the several different people groups / nations that poise themselves as enemies of God, to come against His people -- and Israel ultimately, to take their inheritance away from them and have it for themselves.  Well, the rest of Psalm 83 is a petition to God to rise up as in the days of Sisera and Jabin, to scatter this evil alliance, to disgrace them in such a way that it ends up being a testimony to God's Sovereignty.

As I prayed about who this psalm was referring to, I was reminded of a blog post I wrote back in May of 2014.  It was regarding a profound vision and prophetic word I had in February, 2014 of Vladimir Putin.  Give it a read, as I discern the conflict in the Ukraine (and more being planned) and state of mind of Putin have a lot to do with this prophetic word.


There has been much discussion about the questionable stability and aggressive decision-making of Putin these days, which I discern, is a fulfillment of the prophetic word given 8 years ago.  The "severe consequences" of his many adulteries that the Lord warned him about is coming to pass now in the bloodshed of many innocent people.  I've written on this blog several times about the spiritual dangers of committing adultery -- that particular sin opens a large door for the devil to come into your life.  It is quite common that the cheating husband will lose his mind to rage, murder, and abuse, as that demon desires a blood sacrifice.  And in the case of Russia, there is a long history of rulers turning into murderous tyrants as a result of sexual sin and perversion. Right after I received that word for Putin 8 years ago, I had this accompanying dream:  https://dailypropheticwords.blogspot.com/2014/02/a-white-witch-is-still-witch.html

I did not know that dream would have such dangerous future implications as well.  Anyway, that prophetic word 8 years ago to Putin was a chance for him to repent and be protected from this terrible spiritual situation / consequence...and frankly, it is still never too late to ask for God's forgiveness.   

However, despite that intervention, it is hard to know now the depth of his depravity or plots, but as today's prophetic word hints to us, the Ukraine may be just the tip of an iceberg for the "evil alliance" that has come together to try and steal the land inheritances of God's people wherever they may be found, with Israel surely being the pinnacle of their plans.  

So we pray in the name of Jesus: O my God, scatter them like tumbleweed, like chaff before the wind!  As a fire burns a forest and as a flame sets mountains ablaze, chase them with Your tempest.  Utterly disgrace them until they submit to Your name, O Lord.  Let them be ashamed and terrified forever.  Let them die in disgrace.  Then they will learn that You alone are called the Lord, that You alone are the Most High, supreme over all the earth.  Psalm 83:13-18.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.    


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