The Demise of Samaria
Greetings in the Lord~
Today's word comes from Isaiah 28 and gives us yet another word about the demise of this current illegitimate U.S. administration. The word is based on Isaiah 28, which was a prophetic word about the fall of the northern kingdom of Israel, whose capital was Samaria. These northern leaders were liars and deceivers, using violence and corruption to attain wealth and power. Also, in their quest to keep their populace from going south to worship in God's Temple in Jerusalem, they built idols in Samaria and ordained false worship.
Needless to say, this created a huge divide within Israel and propelled the northern kingdom far from obeying or revering God's Word. Such is the divide in the U.S. today--this illegitimate administration pushes an agenda far from the heart of God's Word and seeks only riches and power for themselves. Unknowingly or in agreement with, they work to advance an antichrist agenda in the U.S.---but to their own demise. "Judah", or the southern kingdom which still worships at God's Temple, longs for justice and integrity in their country and rejects the "northern" antichrist agenda.
In Isaiah 28, we read about Samaria's love of "wine"--lies and deception and rebellious ways that cause them to be unable to see or perceive truth. But:
"What sorrow awaits the proud city of Samaria--the glorious crown of the drunks of Israel. It sits at the head of a fertile valley, but its glorious beauty will fade like a flower. It is the pride of a people brought down by wine." Isaiah 28:1
Then the passage goes on to tell us how:
"For the Lord will send a mighty army against it. Like a mighty hailstorm and a torrential rain, they will burst upon it like a surging flood and smash it to the ground." Isaiah 28:2
It's interesting to note that the Ukraine is assembling an "IT army" of hackers to come against Russia these days. Therefore, a "mighty army" could be a non-traditional army, but one that would fight in cyber-warfare or with information...
You boast, "We have struck a bargain to cheat death and have made a deal to dodge the grave. The coming destruction can never touch us, for we have built a strong refuge made of lies and deception."
Therefore, this is what the Sovereign Lord says: "Look! I am placing a foundation stone in Jerusalem, a firm and tested stone.....Since your refuge is made of lies, a hailstorm will knock it down. Since it is made of deception, a flood will sweep it away. I will cancel the bargain you made to cheat death, and I will overturn your deal to dodge the grave....Again and again that flood will come, morning after morning, day and night, until you are carried away." Isaiah 28:15-19
Truth can be a conquering force brought on by an army of courageous truth-tellers.
Then at last the Lord of Heaven's Armies will Himself be Israel's glorious crown. He will be the pride and joy of the remnant of His people. He will give a longing for justice to their judges. He will give great courage to their warriors who stand at the gates. Isaiah 28:5-6
It's funny how when one lie is exposed and breaks away to truth, it can begin to unravel the whole web of lies that were strung together for supporting an evil agenda. It's funny too, how when one lie is exposed and breaks away to truth, a flood of courageous truth-tellers can pour forth to demand justice, tearing down the flimsy white-washed walls of deception in which corrupt leaders had erected to shield the truth and present a false narrative. Let a longing for justice rise up in our judges, and a courage to decree righteous judgments! May the Lord's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
~Be blessed and be a blessing.