9.8 Million

 Greetings in the Lord,

Today's word comes from Psalm 9:8, or Psalm 98:9, take your pick, for they are essentially saying the same thing:

9:8) He will judge the world with justice and rule the nations with fairness.

98:9)...before the Lord, for He is coming to judge the earth.  He will judge the world with justice, and the nations with fairness.

The coincidence of these similar verses is even more interesting to me since I got the number 9:8 or 98.9 from the number of people who tuned in to watch the Oscars this past weekend.  That number just jumped out to me after I read an article on the extremely low ratings and discerned it was a sign of some sort; let me explain. 

First of all, it was surprising to me that I tuned in for a portion of the show (as I don't usually watch award shows) and got to witness the clear awkwardness of Brad Pitt as he presented an award to a woman he obviously did not know.  Now, she was simply delightful and the hit of the evening by far, and I even rather liked the effort the network made in trying to promote a "relatable" awards show with our nation's mutual love of movies and affection for Brad Pitt.  But his awkwardness spoke volumes--no A-list celebrity in their right mind wanted to attend, let alone be the poster child to sell the evening, which was obvious because the room was filled with no-name people!  And who could blame them for staying home.  I mean, this awards show highlighted the chasm that exists between the arrogant and oblivious Hollywood elites who have expired their platforms by preaching lies and idiocy to the American public, and the sane American public who wants nothing to do with these idiots or their lying rhetoric anymore.  Seriously, only a complete fool would continue to push the perverse narratives that exist in our society and put their careers and popularity at risk.  Which leads me to a second show portion that I saw recently that had to be a small miracle of sorts.   

Last night I stayed up and watched some of Jimmy Kimmel's show.  After an un-creative and humorless monologue filled with tired Trump jokes, he brought on Mike Lindell, the Pillow Guy.  Now, this was a disaster waiting to happen for obvious reasons, but morbid curiosity got the best of me.  I could not fathom why Mike would ever go on the show unless it was some sort of divine intervention, an affinity for masochism, or lapse of consciousness when signing the appearance contract.  At any rate, anyone on the planet with common sense knew what was about to and did take place: Jimmy would bring him out, ask Mike antagonistic and misleading questions, then arrogantly talk over him while Mike tried to answer and finish the bit by making fun of Mike.  It's the same vile and detestable behavior we've been enduring for over four years, only now it's called "late night comedy."  The only interesting part of the whole segment was this: Jimmy brought out a disheveled, obnoxious lookalike of Mike Lindell to make fun of him and then said, "I can't tell the difference between you two!"  Well said, Jimmy.  I totally bet you can't tell the difference between the real deal and a lookalike, a genuine and fake representation, a false narrative and real facts, and in short -- the truth and a lie.  

This short bit was another poignant example of the dire straits we are in as a nation.  Entire industries and their elites are working over-time to blur the lines between truth and lies, justice and injustice, fairness and thievery, and true godliness and self-righteousness.  The overall endgame is to attain absolute power and wealth by oppressing and stealing from the upright by gaslighting the nation with false narratives and deceitful behavior.  Actually, this behavior from leadership is no different from any other nation that rules by corruption, only they do not live under the blessings listed in Deuteronomy, whereas our nation has for quite some time.  But this can and will change if we persist to rule by corruption.  That leads me to the prophetic word for this season.

All this past week I've been getting many prophetic words about the Lord coming to judge the nation for all of this wickedness.  I've been led to read the Old Testament prophets like Micah and Amos, who decried the same social and political ills we see in our nation now.  These prophets spoke out against the many lies and corrupt behavior of their rulers and prophets, only to be mocked, flogged, ostracized, persecuted and more.  Everything these ruling elite did back then brought on the trouble they eventually experienced as a nation--plagues, foreign invasions, economic devastation / famines, captivity, attacks and exile, and to them personally -- quick succession of rule and shortness of life.  It's hard to imagine that these things could take place now, but they already are!

I know that there are many popular prophetic speakers online that give more encouraging words, and Youtube and other social media platforms will allow those words to go uncensored, so they get more popular.  But the reality is, encouraging prophetic words are only deemed authentic if they come to pass, and as Jeremiah pointed out, the prophets of old always spoke warnings and advised the nation with the often corrective wisdom of God.  These type of prophetic words get censored and buried and lost in the algorithms online as true prophecy can be offensive, scary and will trigger hostility and mocking from those who do not have or listen to the Holy Spirit.  And true prophecy can also trigger jealousy, both from within the Christian prophetic community and from people who follow different spirits.  At any rate, I discern that the United States is poised for some discipline from our Holy God who loves us and cannot tolerate our sinful ways and great secret sins anymore.  Gaslighting can only go on for a period of time before the truth is laid bare for all to see and deal with; hidden agendas will eventually be exposed and past sins will come back to haunt those who have worked diligently to keep them buried.  Industries like Hollywood and Silicon Valley will reap the corruptible seeds they have sown and I grapple to write this, but one theme of the scriptures I've been reading over and over has to do with invasions and attacks.  It's difficult to write about this since we prophesy in part, but as a rule, cities rife with corruption and paganism like LA, San Francisco, Miami and Portland become vulnerable to trouble as the hearts and belief systems of the people become more godless.  Also, we need to pray over the airline industry and be more vigilant in transportation centers during this season.

So, Father God, we lift up these concerns and petitions to You, and ask for Your merciful hand to protect and guide us in this season, and to uproot and expose the works of darkness that need to be revealed and dealt with as a nation.  We trust in Your wisdom and relish in Your protective love and pray most of all that Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen

~Be blessed and be a blessing.        

PS I usually don't add things after I've published a word (except to make edits on spelling/grammar), but I wanted to add a recent important tidbit.  Back in February the Lord began to talk to me a whole lot about the same things I mentioned above, in that, we are entering a season of trouble because of the corruption of our current government and industry elites.  In February, He put on my heart to go up to Boulder, CO to pray for the city, so I went there, not really knowing where to go, etc.  However, when I entered the city I immediately felt led to go west on Table Mesa road and pray.  In fact, I drove back and forth along Table Mesa -- right by the King Sooper that would have an extremist attack one month later.  He targeted only white shoppers, and as soon as the media found out he was a Muslim extremist, they quickly stopped reporting on the tragedy.  This past week I went up there to pay my respects and visit the memorial of flowers, etc. that the community has put there.  In all of the more than 30 yards or more of cards, well-wishes, signs, and candle shrines, not one word addressed the hate that drove this young man to target the white victims -- an obvious hate crime.  Very sad and very telling.  It is beyond time to reject and renounce all forms of hatred and to declare a "Love Your Neighbor as You Love Yourself" message.  But I share this story with you as I do believe it is confirmation of the turbulent and violent season I discern we are entering into because of our corrupt leadership and lying media.  Pray for protection and God's mercy upon us as we walk through this dark season.  God is our fortress and shield; He will guide and comfort us until the light of daybreak comes once again.   


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