
Showing posts from March, 2020

Rivers of Healing and Revival are Begining to Flow

Greetings in the Lord, Recently, I posted a word about us "turning a corner" in this virus pandemic, and yes, it is true, even though we look to see evidence of it beginning in the papers and may not find much positive in our neck of the woods just yet.  But we are looking with natural eyes and interpreting things with modern convention and understanding, and even through the lens of flawed theology.  Even now, their are many pastors saying that this pandemic is not a judgment from God; rather, that it is just a natural disaster.  I wonder though, what would a judgment from God look like to them if not the whole world shutting down and having to stay at home for weeks on end doesn't impress them enough.  Well, truth be told, there does come a time when God's patience runs out and He pulls back His grace to allow nature to take its course.  We read of many such examples in the Bible of war, famine and plague being the events used to return Israel's hearts bac...

Turned a Corner--Salvation Comes

Greetings in the Lord~ Well, finally some good news. Yesterday and today the Lord gave several passages that tell of His promises of restoration!  Praise God!  We will now be seeing Him move powerfully until Easter, as the Lord is moving on our behalves, judging this virus and corruption in the spirit realm and touching many lives in their recovery process.  So what does that mean?  Can we leave our houses and resume normal business?!   Not quite yet; as anyone knows who has ever had surgery, or an injury, or major sickness to overcome, sometimes the recovery process can be daunting in and by itself, and often we get impatient when the trajectory changes in our favor, and when we start to get our strength and appetite back and the pain begins to go away.  We get excited and want to move about like before.  But Easter is our green light, per the word of the Lord.  And we must understand that "turning a corner" doesn't mean less cases of th...

Seek His Face While He is Near

Greetings in the Lord, Well, I've shared a couple of words on this pandemic already and by the lack of activity on the blog site, my guess is that Google has shadow-banned it. What a coincidence, today's word is specifically for that industry worldwide and of this - among other - corrupt business practices. Recently, many of the prominent social media companies of Silicon Valley banned together to announce that they will delete or demonetize anything that they consider "misinformation" pertaining to COVID-19.  I'm sure that rather seemingly benign announcement zoomed right past many Americans in the chaos.  However, it doesn't take a lawyer to see that "misinformation" is a-catchall term being used by that industry to censor anything they want, similar to how China uses "spreading rumors" to silence truth-tellers and whistle-blowers.  As a law unto themselves, this industry can and has been doing that.  But, the announcement goes on to ...

Purpose of God in Times Like These

Greetings in the Lord~ A couple of days ago as I was in my prayer time with the Lord, He drew my attention to Isaiah 26.  Immediately I remembered, that was the passage I had gotten when I was in China the first time, back in 2002.  I'll never forget the date either, as it was on my birthday in March and we were having a special dinner.  While I was getting ready to go down to eat, I felt drawn to take a few minutes to read Scripture, Isaiah 26.  As I was reading it, I felt the weight of its significance and discerned it had a special importance, although, I did not know at the time what it was referring to and really did not have time then to pray and meditate on it.  All I knew for sure was that it was talking about a time of God executing His judgment on the earth, making a clear distinction between those that followed the Lord's will and those that rebelled against Him; the humble vs. the arrogant.  Hmmm.   Later on, I found out that chapt...

Quiet Time Needed Till Easter

Greetings in the Lord, I want to take a minute to provide some updates to previous prophetic words given over the past year up to just a couple of months ago, as some things are and have come to pass.  It is good to acknowledge that and give God thanks for fulfilling His words, even if they are not "positive" per se, for it reminds us that in the midst of everything, God is still in control and we can trust Him. First off, last month my attention was drawn to a news program highlighting the rise of fascism in Greece.  The program mentioned that while antisemitism seems to be rising all throughout Europe, the escalation of fascism in Greece has gained a strong political movement and has gotten 16 of its adherents elected into their national political legislature.  Immediately, my mind went back to the prophetic word given in December 2019.  This word discussed a rocky transition time and a re-ordering of political dynamics coming to the European Union (and surroun...