True Lights Revealed

Greetings in the Lord,

Lately, I've been getting a lot of words from 2 Corinthians 11 and Jeremiah 27-29 about false apostles and false prophets, and of how God's people tolerate them and believe their lies, even giving them a place of honor.  It's a shame that they can't discern the false words coming from their lips or see past their smooth and attractive performances they give to drain the people of their time and resources.  No, these well-polished but false apostles tell the people just what they want to hear, and they have built a considerable following through social media, large-scale conferences, and a constant positive media presence.  It is all part of the marketing machine that has taken root within Christian communities, especially within the prophetic and evangelical circuit.  The fruit of such roots are competition among these traveling speakers for lucrative speaking gigs, arrogance, strife, and a vulnerability to deceiving spirits that try to get them off track in their teachings, successfully at times, I might add.  It seems we have entered a season of correction for such individuals and ministries, even a pruning away of some voices from the national political stage as I discern a changing of the guard with some of those prophetic and apostolic voices that have been giving counsel to the President on occasion over the past couple of years.  Hmm...transition time can be kind of tricky, but let's explore the passages and shine light on some specifics.

First, in both passages the claim by the scripture writers is that "the Lord has not sent them."  This is especially hard because anyone that thinks they have a call by God to public or prophetic ministry wants to stand up and be counted -- they like and are desiring to speak before people, and some are really good at it.  Their natural charisma, organizational and leadership skills, and jovial gregariousness or relateability usually lend themselves to being quite popular with people and can influence others easily.  However, almost always we see God sending and using people who are not so keen on the spotlight, and as a byproduct, are probably not the most gifted at speaking either! ha  But with an epidemic of arrogance within our culture, it does not surprise me to discern that God is raising up a new generation of hidden ones to confront (and replace?) the smooth talkers of our time and it might get a little ugly and uncertain for a while.  It's time for false theologies/beliefs, hidden sin, and plain greed and egoism to be rooted out of leadership within the upper levels of the Christian community in the US (and political/judicial arena), and its time for new voices of integrity to replace some of those that have been giving counsel to the President.  I feel that very strongly in my spirit.  Quite simply put, "the Lord has not sent them," anymore or ever maybe, but either way, they will be replaced this coming year, whether through natural circumstances or direct removal, the Lord knows.  Like previously mentioned, this will also include in the judicial arena, as judges are a form of ministry in the Lord's eyes, as is political leadership.  They are held to a higher standard, like prophets and apostles and preachers; each is raised up or lowered at the Lord's will.

The next big issue we read about in scripture from the above passages is that "the people believe their lies."  This is a big deal.  It is one thing to tell lies, but these false apostles and prophets are speaking lies in God's name, and the people's spiritual lives are being influenced--having a public platform makes you held accountable for more.  Some of these leaders became deceived through their own arrogance, therefore, they cannot discern truth anymore and have replaced truth with their own beliefs.  Other are more calculated, intentionally deceiving people for profit or saying what others want them to say for popularity's sake.  But like a rainbow, I'm sure there are a plethora of other reasons why people tell lies, but at the end of the day, a lie is a lie.  And given their position, they are lying to God as well as to the people.  We are in a time when there is an all-out war on words---a tug of war of opinions and beliefs, agendas and ideologies.  In this battle, sometimes truth gets relegated to the back of the bus as people's words are filled with their ego, backed with their resources, positions of power, and networks of influence; they have become disinterested with God's truth in their pursuit of being right or "winning."  However, God's truth is immovable, a high tower that cannot be knocked down, compromised, or diluted, and His will and providence will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

This year, the American Church will be transitioning to a deeper level of God's truth, and it may come with much growing pain and struggle, even uncertainty at times, as social issues and our higher divine calling within our society will test and refine us once again.  Are we a pure light shining on a hill for all to see? Or have we compromised and tolerated false apostles, prophets, teachers, judges, leaders among us and live carnal, salt-less lives?  In this next year, we will get more opportunities that will reveal the true character of these such leaders, and in our own hearts.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.     


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