Transition Time in Europe--Word for 2020 Pt 1

Greetings in the Lord~

Well, as is my usual practice, I take the month of December to fast and pray and prepare for the New Year while I wait for the prophetic word for 2020.  Sometimes I don't get the word until February, sometimes I've actually gotten it in October or November, it really doesn't follow any predictable pattern as far as I can tell.  Anyway, today in my devotional time the Lord led me to read Daniel 7, a chapter I seemed to be getting more frequently this past year or so.  It is a passage in which Daniel shares his vision of four beasts coming up out of the sea.

The fourth beast is very different from the others, more fierce and dreadful, and had more details included, like 10 horns and iron teeth and powerful legs that crushed its many victims under its feet.  Then Daniel goes on to talk about a rising up of a prominent horn that had human eyes and a boastful mouth that displaced three of its previous horns.  Those familiar with this passage know that this prominent, arrogant horn is often called "the antichrist," and traditional theologians attribute this fourth beast to ancient Rome.  Be that as it may, I do discern that today's word is for the European Union and surrounding nations. 

As I read the passage again and prayed for discernment, I saw three visions: the first, was of a mass of squirming black worms in a dark place, maybe covered in black oil or dirt, it was hard to tell, but I felt like this represented selfish ambitions in people's hearts--specifically, politicians and people of influence--coming to the surface and increasing in activity as they begin to vie for power in their sphere of influence; a kind of wicked struggle as the historical political gridlock on power begins to crumble and there is wiggle room for promotion and selfish gain.  As it tends to be, in transition time, opportunists line up for their chance.  All of this was centered on eastern and western Europe.

Just as I realized the location, the second vision came and it was of a dark shadow falling on all of Europe that eventually reached as far as Russia.  I discern a "dark night" coming to this region politically in 2020 as a lot of the world's focus will turn to Europe as struggles within the European Union and its partnerships will breakout.  Polarization in the far left and far right will grow and seek to pull people and partnerships out of the middle.  It will be a time of excitement for those looking to cash in on the reordering of things, but in the chaos there will be national financial uncertainty and anxiety as the economic meter will fluctuate almost daily at times.  Lastly, I saw a vision of documents being torn in half----this seemed to represent current laws and agendas being torn up and re-written/re-evaluated.  This included the issue of open borders and immigration, which causes quite a stirring up of activity and clashes and protests as people passionate about this issue on both sides come out to voice their concerns.  The tide for populism will rise all across Europe.  In 2020, attention will turn to Italy, Greece and even Brussels on topics that are not clear to me now, but prominent figures will rise up to address these issues--new voices to come onto the scene both politically and economically, and their true motives, unclear at first, will be revealed and begin to peak in the summertime resulting in much heated activity.

In a nutshell, it appears that 2020 could be a tumultuous year for the European Union and regional neighbors as a transition is coming which will alter political and economic ties and partnerships as people of influence jockey for power and position; three nations could come out the "loser" in this transition and suffer loss of power, influence and decision-making ability.  I pray that the Lord's will be done on earth as it is in heaven, and that people will not let their hearts be overcome by stress and hate as this re-ordering and changing of the guard happens, as transitions for new policy and decision-makers will come to pass.  Amen

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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