Just Like Roadrunner, God's People Are Victorious

Greetings in the Lord,

The past week or so the Lord has been talking a lot about the prevalence of idolatry (sorcery) and deceitfulness in the land, and how much He loves faithfulness and righteousness instead.  And the passages I've been led to read include Hosea 10 and Isaiah 2, among others, and they are words of judgment coming to the wicked to cleanse the land of them---while promising victory to the righteous.  This includes words specifically about righteous leadership, meaning, victory and success to the "king."

Now, it doesn't take a genius to see that our political landscape fits the bill, especially since another sham is going on in the impeachment hearings.  It's so ridiculous, kind of like watching episodes of Looney Tunes' Wild E. Coyote setting up failed traps for the Roadrunner over and over.  Seriously.  And every time Coyote sets up the rock or bomb or pit to catch the Roadrunner, it not only not works, but it backfires on himself.  So it goes for corrupt politicians as well.  And it never ceases to amaze me how some of them can just lie pointblank to our faces about things we know to be true.  Take Adam Schiff for example; only one look at his crazy, demonic eyes and you can know he is incapable of telling the truth.  Definitely looks like an MK Ultra victim gone wrong, if you ask me.  But enough about that, there is a bigger picture to discuss today, a more prevalent mindset within our culture that has ensnared many, I'm afraid.  It has to do with the connection between affluence and arrogance, which ultimately leads people away from trusting in or even a belief in God.  That is where the idolatry and deceitfulness comes in.                 

How prosperous Israel is---a luxuriant vine loaded with fruit.  But the richer the people get, the more pagan altars they build.  The more bountiful their harvests, the more beautiful their sacred pillars.  The hearts of the people are fickle; they are guilty and must be punished.  The Lord will break down their altars and smash their sacred pillars.  Then they will say, "We have no king because we didn't fear the Lord.  But even if we had a king, what could he do for us anyway?"  They spout empty words and make covenants they don't intend to keep.  So injustice springs up among them like poisonous weeds in a farmer's field.  Hosea 10:1-4.

Not just in the political arena, but those verses pretty much sum up the behavior and mentality of so many in our society---their affluence has bred arrogance and corruption in their hearts, even in the Church.  Whether its self-promotion, cult of personality, greed or even charismatic witchcraft, American Christians run aground on such hazards lying just below the surface as they sail on from day to day.  Many even refuse to avoid such obvious shipwreck rocks like witchcraft entertainment, drug/sex/internet addictions, and prayerlessness.  They truly only rely on their own intellect and available resources, which makes them prone to follow any new false doctrine or secular / political idea or trend that comes along, like all of the socialism nonsense.  As a person who has actually lived in several socialist and communists nations, I can tell you that it doesn't live up to its hype, and democratic nations, though not perfect, perpetuate a more happy, thriving and free society congruent with how we as humans are wired to live, think, and believe....but I digress.  What I am trying to say is that we are at a very crucial time in US history, where rampant social, political and spiritual darkness is making wayward paths seem very inviting to us as a society, and in His Providence, God allows hardships and trials to come.  

Ultimately, in times like these, hardships and disasters can have the effect of shaking us out of our delusions and arrogance and return our hearts to God.  That is the intention behind divine judgments, anyway, for mercy triumphs judgment.  Hardships put us in a place of humility, so that we will again seek God with all our hearts and He can build us up again in Him.  Not fun, but necessary at times.  It also has the effect of revealing true heart motives, in that, a "Pharaoh" heart or "wolf" can be exposed and separated from the "sheep."  That is why for me, instead of getting worked up about the continual lies and wicked schemes coming against President Trump, I thank God for them.  For not only is it refining and strengthening him by forcing him to trust in God, but their evil schemes are being used against themselves as sharp threshing tools, sorting out and exposing those who are truly corrupt in our government and media, and so on right down to the common individual.  Every made-up "scandal" is like sifting flour where truth remains and God's saving power and redemption is seen again and again and can be celebrated by the people of God.  It's really quite exciting!  

Lastly, as is talked about in the beginning of Isaiah chapters 2 and 9, in times of great darkness, God's light can be revealed for all to see, like a lighthouse on a cliff; the Presence of God will be like a temple on a mountain and all the nations can come to Him for truth and teaching about His ways, and He will negotiate agreements of peace for the nations.  These verses are talking about when great distress and trials come about, even in wartime, it will be an opportunity for the light of God to shine for all to see and people will come to Him for protection, wisdom and prosperity still.  It is another mystery of the Almighty One; that in times of utter despair and hopelessness, He will shine His hope for all to see and come to Him.  For what the devil meant for harm, God uses for good and His glory. That God does not despise His captive ones, but delights to save.  So today, as all things are being shaken that can be shaken, do not despair or lose hope, but put your trust in the unfailing love of God.  God will scatter His enemies, not one will escape, and we will again be saved by the hand of the Lord.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.    


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