Another Shaking and Sifting for Hollywood

Greetings in the Lord~

Today's prophetic word is a continuation of a plumb line being held in an industry.  The first word was about Silicon Valley, but recently the Lord has added Hollywood & the music industry to the mix.  A plumb line is being held in these industries: it's time to line up and pass under for "inspection;" a sorting and sifting of the people in those industries is happening and will continue to happen leading up to a season of blessings and judgments to follow accordingly.  While the prophetic words are similar for each, today I will focus on Hollywood & the music industry and highlight the points given from the Holy Spirit from Ezekiel 11.

The chapter starts with Ezekiel being given a vision of what is going on with the leaders in Jerusalem.  They were feeling smug and superior because they had not been taken away in exile, although, as Ezekiel sees and hears clearly, many were wicked men who had gotten ahead by oppressing those they had control over, even to the point of murder.  These wicked rulers had no remorse and did as they pleased to benefit themselves, always and only.  This is the reality for many executives in Hollywood; being a star is fun but the real money and power is in management.  So today, the Lord is saying that although they think they are the special ones, the real gems were the talented ones they exploited and used to build their "empire."  In fact, judgment looms on the horizon for the wicked ones in leadership; be sure of this, there will be another season of uprooting those types of people in Hollywood.  But that is just part of today's word.

The other part of today's prophetic word is pretty specific: it is for young millennial pop stars / actors -- by the middle of June they too will have to make some decisions, as there will be a "shift" for many to come upon them, one in which their careers will be less and less about themselves and more and more about who or Whom they will serve with their gifts and talents.  Within 3 short weeks, many of these young celebrities will begin to have their own "Eyes Wide Shut" experience, in that, they will find themselves getting a very uncomfortable glimpse of the underbelly of their industry's rulers that will leave them shook!  Out of the blue, they will find themselves like a bird caught in a snare and will only escape by the skin of their teeth, i.e. the grace of God, and in the aftermath will have to make some important life (here) and soul (eternal) decisions.  I would highly advise anyone that may be in this boat potentially, to fast for 3 weeks (just give up 2-3 of your favorite things or foods) and seek God so you will not be caught off-guard and will have the strength to make godly decisions when the time comes.  [However, if you would not dedicate your fast to God Almighty alone, then do NOT fast.]  Also, keep in mind that your fast may be interceding for someone who will be going through this ordeal instead of you!  You will still receive a "prophet's reward" for fasting in faith so you will be blessed, but as I said before, your career will become less and less about you in all ways, this is just one example.

Lastly, there are celebrities (music or actors) that have been "exiled," so to speak, from the industry.  Ezekiel 11 addresses this crowd by saying that instead of feeling rejected and cast off or that your career is over completely, see it from God's perspective -- He has been doing a deep work in you so that after you repent and when you are rooted more deeply in Him, and when the wicked leaders have been cleared away, He can return you to "Jerusalem" to grow and prosper and use your talents for Him as He originally intended.  Thank God who takes us out of harm's way for a period of growth and repentance and protection so that we can return more blessed than the first time around!  Jesus really knows the end from the beginning, our Alpha and Omega, so we can praise Him for His good and perfect will.  Lord, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. 

~Be blessed and be a blessing.



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