Tell It, Candace!

Greetings in the Lord!

Today's word comes from Psalms 121, 89, and 112.  In that order, these psalms speak of the protective faithfulness of the Lord, even when we are confronted by strong enemies and it seems for a time that they have the upper hand.  But rest assured, God has not abandoned us.  Instead, our trials have a way of revealing more of God's goodness and Sovereignty to everyone around us; in the midst of the fiery ordeal we will shine like the noonday sun.

The first psalm, Psalm 121, gives us assurance that God oversees our journey and keeps His protective hand around us always, even when the way we must go is a solo venture, like a pilgrim being led by faith and conviction.  There are many these days being called to be such pilgrims in the United States--to carry the torch in the darkness and speak from the high places and decry the wicked and their lies and hate.  And be sure, the way is a lonely one for these outspoken pilgrims at times.  The fact that the psalm specifically mentions day and night and that the Lord "never slumbers and sleeps" tells us that their nights may be filled with as much adversity as their day times, in that, in all likelihood their enemies are as busy in the darkness as they are in the light--many uttering curses and practicing magic arts as well as following corrupt ways that can be easily seen by all.

Moving onto Psalm 89, God confirms His love and faithfulness for His chosen ones and tells of all of the promises kept by the Lord on behalf of His servants in times past.  Yet, towards the end of the psalm, the people cry out for mercy, for the promises made are not evident and all looks desperate as their enemies mock and oppress and have their way for the time being.  They feel abandoned and are suffering and wondering, "Where is God when I need Him?"  Alas, it is during the test that the teacher remains silent. 

For during this test, Psalm 112 reminds us of the assured blessings and promises of God for the upright and for all those who choose to walk in His ways.  God will deliver, prosper, restore, protect, and honor them, while all of their enemies get to watch and grind their teeth in fury as their hopes and longings come to nothing.  Like Haman, the gallows he set up for his arch enemy became his own!  I have seen this figuratively many, many, many, many times as wicked foes in hot pursuit are stopped dead in their tracks when God turns the tables on them!  All their threats and lies testify against themselves and they are cloaked in shame and disgraced and humiliated---seen for the deceitful troublemakers they really are.  God Almighty will not be mocked; as a man sows, so shall he reap.  Therefore, do not be weary in well doing, for at the appointed time you will receive bountiful blessings if you don't quit.  Tell it Candace Owens!  Tell Congress what's really up and be blessed.

~Be blessed and be a blessing. 


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