Fatal Wound Was Healed

Greetings in the Lord~

Recently, I gave a lecture on Syria and the Caliphate and examined 5 things of significance to be VERY aware of from this conflict---and #1 on the list was the fact that al-Baghdadi is still alive! 

True enough, a current news photo was released of him today with some followers discussing the final battle areas.  In my talk, I say it had been confirmed in February that his legs and one arm was broken and that he had diabetes, but to see a picture of him after 5 years is pretty remarkable.  In fact, I dare say that this is not a normal guy, nor a run-of-the-mill conflict either.  This is an extremely important prophetic scenario that is being played out right before our very eyes (from Revelation 13 and the book of Daniel.)

The lecture series itself examines topics from an academic, experiential, and faith perspective and I do believe, to really have a full understanding of what is going on over there right now, and what to expect in the days ahead, there could be no other way to examine it.  By faith, I do include a rudimentary overview of both the Christian and Muslim end time worldviews, as in doing at least a comparative study that the significance of the conflict and prophetic trajectory is illuminated. 

Also, one of the 5 things of significance that I discuss is how to live victoriously in the raucous and treacherous days at hand, and it does not include storing up water and food!  No, because the nature of the conflict for all of us living outside of the As-Sham / Syria region is that it is a spiritual conflict -- Love versus Hate, not this religion or ethnic group versus that religion or ethnic group.  In fact, I discuss how in spiritual conflicts there will be all walks of life on the "Love" side and all walks of life on the "Hate" side.  Like they say, politics makes strange bedfellows; well, its the same with spiritual conflicts. 

Anyway, long story short, this is a special time to be alive.  I'm sure there will be follow-up posts on this subject in the future, but in the meantime, may all of us wake up and stay vigilant.

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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