Strong Hand of the Lord Moving Now
Greetings in the Lord~ Well, there are certainly a lot of prophetic words being fulfilled right now. First the more difficult word from February about "natural disasters" and other difficult incidents coming to pass--we've had a month of tornadoes, flooding, avalanches, bomb cyclones, blizzards, major financial drops on global stock markets and 2 incidents of hAte ideology acting out in Amsterdam and New Zealand. Whew! As if that isn't enough, if I include other sources where I post prophetic words, there has been a fulfillment of a word from July 2018 about the MeToo Movement hitting the "boy" and "girl" pop band music industry of Asia (Korea-K POP and Japan-J POP) and also a word of victory from Psalm 98:1 in that, there was no collusion found between Russia and President Trump. Any sane person already knew that, but the liberal media had been lying endlessly about it for two years so we can all celebrate with President Trump that the chara...