Let's Play Follow the Leader

Greetings in the Lord!

Today I am writing you from Japan and in my short time here already, the Lord has been showing me some things that have been going on here in the spirit realm.  First, I took the metro into Tokyo and did some general sightseeing--nothing in particular, just getting the vibe of the city.  When I returned home I started having a vision of a violent man scowling at me--an unclean spirit of violence had followed me.  I rebuked it and threw it out in Jesus' name and prayed that God would be my rearguard, and He threw it out.

After dinner I was unnaturally tired, so I went to bed.  During the night the Lord began to tell me about what I had seen earlier and gave me a dream to explain.   I kept hearing in my spirit, "fear aggression" and recognized that immediately from my work with abused pit bulls--it is an aggression based on fear.  People can have the same type of fear.  It comes as a result of being hurt in some way, but also includes hurt from being mocked, shamed, rejected, criticized, etc.  So the aggression is used to cover up and stamp out the fear they feel.  Obviously, the fear doesn't have to be based on anything real, but an evil spirit takes advantage of their fear anyway by telling them more lies to stir up violence and hostility.  Overall, I was discerning that though it is quite lovely in Japan, there is a prevalence of this "fear aggression" and it stems from a misogynistic spirit.

The other thing the Lord showed me in a dream was of a resurgence of idolatry use on the Japanese islands.  People were tapping into the deep crevices and holes in the earth to remove idols long buried there to worship them.  Some of these images were made of gold and represented certain men; some were just simple black stones and trees.  However, all of the idol worship stemmed from some kind of lack in their heart, whether it was of money, prestige, control, happiness, etc. and they were afraid of this; therefore, they were turning to these idols to fill that void.

However, the prophetic word the Lord gave was that although this idol worship was not new, people were getting much more than they bargained for these days!  There has been an increase in the level of wickedness released in the world today and the simple idols of old are more lethal spiritually speaking, these days.  Interestingly, for the past few years "stalking" has increased in Japan to dramatic levels.  This is when a husband or ex/boyfriend stalks to hurt or kill their girlfriend or wife.  Up till now the police haven't done too much to help, but the incidents are becoming so common and the protesters so loud that they are being compelled to do something.  Anyway, the Lord gives a strong warning for all to stay away from idols and shrines.  Turn to the Lord your God, who gives peace and prosperity to the righteous.

You'll notice the date stamp on this blog is 5/14th, which is just shy of a month of when it is now (6/11/17)! So much has been going on (and already come to pass) that I'll give some highlights.  In regards to what is going on at Fox News these days, I would like to share the word of the Lord:
"I'm doing a new thing in the media.  Quickly it springs up--do you not perceive it?  Though people lament the dismantling of Fox News, and their enemies gloat with malice and pride, I am establishing a new thing in the media and it will have pure roots in Me.  All falseness will bow before it and once again truth in journalism will flourish that has My heart in it."  Amen

Another important news happening to take place in the past month was President Trump's world tour to Europe, Saudi Arabia and Israel.  Before he left I received Isaiah 22, which sheds some light on what the Lord was accomplishing through this tour.  In the scripture passage, it starts with a rebuke and admonishment to the leadership in Jerusalem at that time, saying that when they should have been fasting and praying and humbling themselves before God, they were celebrating and carrying on with their own greedy desires, neglecting the people and good purposes they were in office to accomplish.  The city walls were torn down and left to crumble while the leadership ignored God and sought their own defenses, riches and prestige.  I discern that these verses were in reference to the Obama administration and their corruption over the past 8 years.  In goes on to say that the Lord was going to "take firm hold of you and hurl you away."  He will call upon a new servant to carry out the Lord's plans and "clothe him with your robe and fasten your sash around him and hand your authority over to him.  He will be a father to those who live in Jerusalem and to the people of Judah.  I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.  I will drive him like a peg into a firm place; he will become a seat of honor for the house of his father.  All the glory of his family will hang on him: its offspring and offshoots--all lesser vessels, from the bowls to the jars."  Wow--that's a huge prophetic word for President Trump!  And the part about "what he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open" sure is interesting in light of the prophetic word given this week.       

In this week's prophetic word from Ezekiel 17, a parable is given by Ezekiel that illustrates the disobedience of the leadership in Jerusalem.  The passage talks about how an eagle from a distant land comes and takes Israel's leaders away captive and exiles them in Babylon.  In their place the king of Babylon puts a lesser leader there with his commitment to be a vassal state to Babylon.  However, this leader betrays the oath he made and reaches out to Egypt to come and help him fight off Babylon's authority over them.  Big mistake!  He did not realize that by betraying this oath he betrayed God--for was it not God who lowered Jerusalem into the clutches of Babylon and oversaw the oath he made to be a vassal state in the first place?  Therefore, the Lord determined to remove him from power and ruin Jerusalem to the point that they would be too weak to ever think about rising up against Babylon again.

This is an important prophetic word for many countries in Europe these days. Although they are despising the lead the US through President Trump is making on important issues and are refusing to follow along, if they seek to make alliances that would betray their agreements to the US and instead ally themselves with countries that will oppose these agreements, the Lord Himself will discipline these leaders and those countries by His strong hand.   Agreements, oaths, contracts, and covenant policies made during this time between the US and other countries will be overseen by the Lord these days.  I discern that it is not a good time for countries to betray or deceive the contracts and agreements they make or the swift and heavy hand of the Lord will come upon their leadership and country.  

The truth is, the pride of many European leaders is not substantiated with their economic standing or security measures--they are very weak and vulnerable and disillusioned--totally out of touch with the reality of what is going on in their countries.  They have been pushing a selfish and demonic agenda for so long and getting rich off of the backs of their people that they think they are untouchables--but God will show them otherwise!  Their circumstances can change in a blink of an eye; their authority stripped or weakened significantly; their supporters can have a change of heart overnight and the "Egypts" they sought out to help them throw off the domination of "Babylon" will be shown as ineffective and useless to them.  All that will remain is a blatant betrayal to the Lord and the agreement/contract they made---and a replacement will come swiftly to the forefront.

I've watched as leaders like Macron has all but stuck out his tongue at President Trump, but he should consider his ways, realize his subordinate position to "Babylon" these days, and all leaders need to consider carefully the alliances they make and uphold the contracts and agreements made these days.  We have already entered a season where the Lord Himself is at the negotiating table; He holds all the cards and knows His plans and purposes.  As we've already seen--many contracts will be dissolved, re-written, and re-negotiated this season and whoever signs the dotted line had better be faithful to their signature.  God is good--always.  For even when His plan for a country is to be subordinate to another for a period of time, prosperity comes in submitting to His plan.  The Lord lowers one and raises another; He deposes one and promotes another.  Blessing comes through submission to the Lord and His plans and purposes. Amen

~Be blessed and be a blessing.      


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