Fire on Babylon--Let the Threshing Begin

Greetings in the Lord,

This past week the Lord has had me revisit some of the prophetic words He gave back in 2001 thru 2008 for the United States--most of them came from the book of Jeremiah.  They were words about Babylon falling; about the Lord raising up an army of foreigners to take her down and plunder the nation of everything they held dear--all of their worthless idols.  The United States, my friends, is that Babylon.

Well, we are at that place again.  For the past few days I've been led to read Isaiah 13, Jeremiah 51, and Amos 6-7.  Jeremiah 51 talks directly about God's plan to have Babylon destroyed:

This is what the Lord says: "See, I will stir up the spirit of a destroyer against Babylon and the people of Leb Kamai.  I will send foreigners to Babylon to winnow her and to devastate her land; they will oppose her on every side on the day of her disaster."  Jeremiah 51:1-2

A very interesting verse jumps out to me when I read this chapter; verse 33:
This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel says: "The Daughter of Babylon is like a threshing floor at the time it is trampled; the time to harvest her will soon come." 

So many prophetic voices keep saying that it is the time of the great harvest of souls in the world for the Kingdom of God, and so it is.  But, as this verse tells us, the harvest comes with the threshing, at least for the United States.  The passage then goes on to say that "Babylon"--its world economic and corrupt systems based on attaining power and wealth by oppression, violence, conventional 'wisdom' of its false prophets, and lust of idols and such, will have to vomit up and set free its captives--Babylon will be forced to release those it has swallowed up.  Later on the passage tells us to flee from Babylon, to 'come out of her' or be set apart and consecrated for service unto God alone.  As God's people are returned to Him--just as the golden chalices and temple article were returned from Babylon to be used once again in the temple in Jerusalem, so we'll see a great return of people to the Lord in this harvest.  Babylon will then be left for the desert creatures (unclean spirits and demons) to inhabit.  I used to wonder about those verses that talked about Babylon becoming full of unclean spirits and desolate, but now I see that becoming more of a reality every day--just read of the heinous things people are doing in this nation, demons are plaguing people because of their unrepentant sin and pursuit of wickedness.  But God has a plan to set free the repentant captives of Babylon!

Fires have already been ignited in the spirit realm in two states--Ohio and Florida, while many American Christians are fast asleep in their spiritual complacency.  It did not surprise me at all to read about the car and knife attack in Ohio State University this past week--fires of hatred and violence are raging.  As the old school song goes, "The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!"  We need to wake up quickly and flee from Babylon!  Its walls are being set ablaze, its lies are being exposed, its idols are being torn down, its strongholds are being demolished--have nothing to do with it and return to God's ways.  From Ohio all the way down to Florida, expect that waking Christians will sound the alarm and seek the Lord prayerfully to break off the curses that have been on the land, cities and people's minds in these regions.  The system of Babylon that has been over this nation is on fire and will crumble--we will see the strong hand of God uprooting gnarly roots that have grown and many Christians will find their voice and strength in God to come out and proclaim liberty and purity in Christ.  All this upheaval comes with many challenges and conflicts, but the ground must be plowed, the stones must be removed, and the thorny bushes burned up so the good soil can be replanted with the things of God.    

As an example, the Lord drew my attention to the hospitalization of Kanye West this week.  Honestly, I haven't heard one song by him and like probably many others, had written him off as a Hollywood freak show who talked too much.  Well, the Lord had me do some research and I discovered that he has gotten himself into lots of trouble with a very dangerous crowd---the music industry Illuminati/Satanists folks that keep their celebrity clients in captivity using everything from mind control (MK Ultra) to witchcraft and outright violence--another example of the system of Babylon at work.  The Lord has given words about all this before, even a word last July to pray for Brittney Spears, but I didn't know Kanye was mixed up in this stuff, too.  There was even allegations made that Kanye had given up his mother in sacrifice for a lucrative music career.  I don't know about that, anything is possible, but what the Lord led me to read was very interesting--Psalms 106.

This psalm goes on and on telling about how Israel kept falling into sin and rebellion through idolatry, even sacrificing their sons and daughters to the gods (demons) of the nations around them.  The Lord became very angry with them and let their enemies oppress and rule over them, "subjecting them to their power."  That is very evident in many industries, but especially the music industry today.  Celebrity musicians who get caught up with this nasty crowd really get taken for a ride--addictions, court troubles, mental instability and torment, even death has been alleged.  But lucky for Kanye and so many others, the Lord takes note of our distress when we cry out to Him; "for their sake He remembered His covenant and out of His great love He relented"; God demands that they be set free--at least long enough for them to receive Jesus as their Savior.  It's a terrible pit these celebrities are in, but ultimately the issue is their eternal destination--God wishes that none would perish but call on Jesus and be saved, even if their mortal bodies cease.  Come out of Babylon, all God's people!  God is a God who desires to save us, not condemn us, but we must return to Him.

These are tumultuous days, my beloveds.  We have to wake up to the fact that things are different--very different times than before.  We will see things that have never happened in this land before, so wake up and receive Jesus--Babylon is burning down and it is time to flee from it before everything in agreement with it is taken down, too.  Babylon becomes full of unclean things after its fall; we are to have nothing to do with its darkness.  When it is dark, sin has great consequences, for in darkness the enemies of our soul thrive and have their power; there is very little grace in darkness.  So be full of the light of Jesus Christ and allow His word to illumine our path forward, and lucky for us, the Lord will shine His light across this land to wake many up.

"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light;on those living in the shadow of death a light has dawned.  You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before You as people rejoice at the harvest, as men rejoice when dividing the plunder.  For as in the day of Midian's defeat, You have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressors....For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.  And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."  Isaiah 9:2-6

It is a tough road ahead, but rejoice in the Lord and renew your strength.  In the dark days of Hitler, secular Germans were blinded by his darkness and couldn't see right from wrong.  In their blindness and hardness of heart they were spiritually complacent and in effect, were in agreement with his darkness.  But a day came when the Nazis were crushed, and the difficult task of rebuilding and healing of their eyes and souls came again slowly as they began to wake and comprehend all of the pain they caused and lies they had believed; it was an anguishing healing process to be sure.  Likewise, our country's recovery will come with struggle, too.  But in these days, as we wake to the fact that Babylon is burning down, we can choose the Light and liberty found in Jesus Christ.  These are the days to cling to the Lord and take refuge under His wings while singing His praises, for, "I (Jesus) have overcome the world."  In this season of great challenges, changes and reformation, the waking Church around the world will rise as the over-comers they are in Christ Jesus.  The devil and its agents are firmly defeated; rise up and rejoice!

~Be blessed and be a blessing.


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